analogue solutions
e&oe (c) 1-11-08
This wil turn on each time the LFO signal
is at a positive voltage, indicating the speed
of the LFO waveform.
The modulation panel is where you
route SOURCE modulation signals to their
DESTINATIONS. Think of it as a modulation
There are three modulation destinations
in this panel;
VCO1 (pitch)
VCO2 (pitch)
FILTER (cut-off)
These can be modulated by the sig-
nals selected by their respective SOURCE
switched. The AMOUNT control alters the
level of modulation.
The modulation sources available are;
VCO1: LFO triangle, LFO Square, EG1,
VCO2 square
VCO2: LFO triangle, LFO Square, EG2,
MIDI (modulation CV / CV2)
FILTER: LFO triangle, LFO Square,
VCO2 square, MIDI (modulation CV / CV2)
These are not the only modulation types available. Other modulations are available
within each feature's own panel (e.g. VCO1 and 2 can have PWM, the LPF has EG1 and
KEY TRACK modulation).