Angular accuracy
Possible deviation
at 100 m distance
2.5 mm
Orthogonal to the line of sight.
Refer to the data sheet of the respective instrument model for infor-
mation about the angular accuracy.
EDM accuracy
The distance measurement accuracy consists of two parts: a fixed value and a
distance-dependent value (ppm-value).
Example: "Single measurements: 1 mm + 1.5 ppm"
The EDM accuracies for prism and reflectorless measurements can differ. Addi-
tionally, the accuracies can differ depending on the used technologies.
Refer to the appropriate data sheet for information about the EDM
ATR accuracy
Automatic target aiming accuracies, like those of the ATR, are in general the
same as the stated angular accuracy. Therefore these accuracies are also dis-
tance-dependent parameters.
External impacts, like heat shimmer, rain (prism surface covered by rain drops),
fog, dust, strong background lights, dirty targets, alignment of the targets etc.
can have a significant influence on the automated target. In addition the selec-
ted EDM mode affects the ATR performance. Under good environmental condi-
tions and with a clean, properly aligned target the accuracy of the automated
target aiming is equivalent to the manual target aiming (presumed valid cali-
bration values).
Type and centring accuracy of the prism
The prism centring accuracy depends mainly on the used prism type, for exam-
Prism type
Centring accuracy
Leica GPR1
Circular prism
1.0 mm
Leica GPH1P
Precision circular prism
0.3 mm
Leica GRZ122
360° prism
2.0 mm
Leica GRZ4
360° prism
5.0 mm
Refer to the white paper "Leica Surveying Reflectors" for information
about the different centring accuracies.
Additional influencing factors
When determining absolute coordinates, the following parameters can also
affect the resulting accuracy:
Environmental conditions: temperature, air pressure and humidity
Typical instrument errors, such as horizontal collimation error or index
Proper functioning of laser plummet or optical plummet
Correct horizontal levelling
Setup of the target
Quality of additional equipment, such as tribrach or tripod.
Technical Data