Lifting of the booms without setting down the outriggers is never allowed!
Outriggers shall be driven down to support position as follows:
1. Make sure that the function selector switch no. 2 at platform (see page 14) is in
outrigger position.
2. Make sure that all four red LED indicators of outrigger pressure are lit, and that
the green indicator (see page 15) is not lit. If the red LEDs are not lit, lift all four
outrigger control levers so that the LEDs light up.
3. Deploy all four outriggers down by pressing of the levers of the control valve (see
page 15). It is possible to deploy only one outrigger at the time but it is
recommended to deploy two outriggers (front or rear) at the same time. Make
sure that the ground under every outrigger is solid enough
– put extra plates on
the ground under the outrigger feet if necessary.
4. Drive the outriggers down on the ground firmly enough. They must be driven
down so much
that all wheels lift off the ground !
(Usually it is not necessary to
push the outriggers further unless it is necessary to reach higher). Make sure that
the wheels do not touch the ground before starting to lift the booms.
5. When all outriggers are firmly on the ground and wheels lifted off the ground,
check the horizontal position of the lift with the water level which is mounted on
top of the control valve box at ground level.
It is not allowed to lift the booms if
the machine is not level!
6. After the machine has been levelled correctly, the green indicator that allows
lifting of the booms is lit and all four red LED indicators are not lit, turn the
function selector switch immediately to boom lifting position. If the machine is
level and supported by the outriggers, but one or more LED indicators are still lit,
press sharply on all four outrigger control levers.
ATTENTION! If the green indicator of boom lifting is lit when the outriggers are not
correctly deployed, the operation of this access platform is not allowed! Contact
nearest Leguan service!