The Shed command is broadcast to all loads in a room, causing them to reduce their level to the value specified by each load’s “Shed
Level” parameter. By default, the “Shed Level” is set to 65% because for most driver/ballast combinations this will result in at least a
15% power reduction. Using a “Shed” input configured for the 1A terminal will allow you to override (exceed) the Shed level while Shed
is active. Using the 2A terminal will initiate Shed but will not allow you to exceed the Shed Level. When the contact input opens, lights
will return to their values prior to the Shed command.
Relay does not close when the room is occupied:
1. Check that the circuit breaker is
2. Make sure that there is an occupancy sensor detecting occupancy.
3. Check all wiring connections.
4. Check for 24VDC input to the LMIO-101: Plug in a different DLM device at the LMIO-101 location. If the device does not power up,
24VDC is not present.
• Check the high voltage connections to the room controller.
• If high voltage connections are good, recheck local network connections between the LMIO-101 and the room controller.
5. Check device and input/output bindings.