S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
L o a d C o n fi g ( P n L )
D a y l i g h t i n g C o n fi g
B u t t o n C o n fi g u r a t i o n
D i m m i n g C o n fi g u r a t i o n
M o r e
The Sensor Configuration menu includes options to view the
current settings of an specific sensor, make changes, and send
them back to the sensor. You can save those settings and then
send the same settings to another sensor, which provides a
quick way to configure multiple sensors. Additionally, a test
option shortens the delay time, when performing a sensor
walk test to define the optimum sensitivity settings and product
Current Settings
S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
C u r r e n t S e t t i n g s
Te s t M o d e
S a v e d C o n fi g u r a t i o n s
A n a l o g O c c S e n s o r
After selecting this option, point the LMCT-100-2 at a specific
sensor and press Select. This enables communication between
the sensor and the LMCT-100. The sensor immediately sends its
current parameter settings.
The screen changes to show the current sensor settings where
you can adjust sensor parameters. “AH” next to Sensor Config
indicates that the sensor is currently in After Hours mode.
Changes made while AH is displayed only affect After Hours
Dual Sensor Config AH
Time Delay:
<5 min>
PIR Sens:
US Sens:
Trigger :
<PIR & US>
<PIR or US>
To program After Hours operation during normal
hours, you must force the room into After Hours mode.
Selection the
Room Mode
function in the
to switch between Normal and After Hours modes. Once
programming is complete, you can return the room to
Normal Hours mode. See
Adjusting Sensor Parameters
On the
Current Settings
screen, you can view all parameters
applicable to the type of sensor that is currently communicating
with the LMCT-100. You can modify settings, send them to the
sensor, and/or store them in the LMCT-100.
The screenshots in this section show a Dual Technology
Sensor. For Ultrasonic or PIR sensors, only the
appropriate parameters for that particular sensors are
Sensor Config
Time Delay:
<20 min>
PIR Sens:
US Sens:
Trigger :
<PIR Only>
<PIR Only>
Time Delay
The amount of time the load remains ON after no motion is
Detection Sensitivity
PIR Sens
– Sensitivity for the PIR detection. Setting the
sensitivity to zero (0) will disable PIR detection (Dual Tech
and PIR sensors only).
US Sens
– Sensitivity for the ultrasonic detection. Setting
the sensitivity to zero (0) will disable ultrasonic detection in
the sensor (Ultrasonic sensors only).
Trigger/Retrigger Mode (Dual Tech Sensors only)
– Indicates whether to use PIR, Ultrasonic, Either,
or Both technologies for initial detection of occupancy. For
“Either”, the sensor will register occupancy if either of the
two technologies senses movement, whereas for “Both”,
both technologies must detect movement.
– Indicates whether to use PIR, Ultrasonic,
Either, or Both technologies will be used to keep the lights
on once the sensor has initially been triggered. For “Either”,
the sensor will register occupancy if either of the two
technologies senses movement, whereas for “Both”, both
technologies must detect movement.
Walk Through Mode
shortens the time delay to reduce the amount of
time the load is ON after a brief moment of occupancy, such
as returning to an office to pick up a forgotten item then
immediately exiting. When enabled, the load turns OFF three
minutes after the area is initially occupied if no motion is
detected after the first 30 seconds. If motion continues beyond
the first 30 seconds, the selected time delay applies.
This sends the settings to the sensor. Highlight
and press
Select. Point the LMCT-100-2 at the Sensor and press Select
The LEDs on the sensor blink to confirm the message has been
sent. To double-check that the new settings were sent to the
sensor, see “Receive.”
This saves the settings in the LMCT-100-2 “Saved
Configurations” menu function for future use. Highlight
and press Select. The display shows the memory slot in which
the settings are saved. Each time you save a configuration
the “Memory Slot” number increases. You can save up to 9
configurations. Saved configurations are listed in the
function in the
Sensor Configuration
“Saved Configurations” on page 5
This retrieves the current settings from the sensor.
Selecting Receive before sending new settings to
the sensor or saving them to LMCT-100-2 memory clears any
value changes that you made.
Test Mode
In Test Mode, the sensor(s) in the room turn the load(s) off after
5 seconds and a 10 minute test period begins. During the test
period, the time delay is 5 seconds. This short time delay allows
performing a sensor walk test to define the optimum sensitivity
settings and product orientation. After the 10 minute period all
sensors return to normal operation mode. Or, select
return them immediately.
After selecting Test Mode, you can select an individual sensor or
choose all sensors in the DLM network.
S e n s o r Te s t M o d e
I n d i v i d u a l S e n s o r
A l l S e n s o r s o n b u s
S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
C u r r e n t S e t t i n g s
Te s t M o d e
S a v e d C o n fi g u r a t i o n s
A n a l o g O c c S e n s o r