L o a d 1 S t a t u s
L o a d O n :
S e l e c t M o r e
0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0
2 1 1 1 1 0 1 . . . . . 3 0
3 1 . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
4 1 . . . . . . . . . . 5 0
5 1 . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
The first screen indicates the on/off status of each load. A value
of “1” indicates it is ON. A value of “0” indicates it is OFF. A value
of “.” indicates no load exists for that number.
The loads within the panel display first followed by loads from
connected room controllers. In the example to the left, loads
1–24 are within the panel and load 25 is from an LMRC-101.
For additional details about the load, highlight that load and
press Select to open the
Load x Online screen
. (If you try and
select a number for which there is no load, nothing happens.)
To return to the
screen, scroll down past the bottom
row (51–60). A second screen displays showing loads 21–64.
and press Select.
1 2 3 4 5 6
. . . . . .
7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
. 1 . . . .
1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
. . . .
L o a d 1 O n l i n e
The “1” indicates
a priority of 8.
This screen displays the BACnet priority of the load DLM
devices will typically have a priority of 8.
. There are three Properties screens
showing the current values for the load. Select
to navigate
to each screen, or press
to return to the
Most of these parameters are included in a group and
are set by assigning the load to a group. LMCS-100
software can also be used to set these parameters.
O u t p u t L e v e l :
1 0 0 %
L o a d Ty p e :
N o n D i m
G r a c e T i m e r :
N o n e
M o d e :
N o r m a l H o u r s
B l i n k :
5 m i n
L o a d 2 P r o p e r t i e s 1
Output Level
The current level of the load.
Load Type
This value is set within Load Configuration. See
Configuration (PnL)” on page 6
Grace Timer
This indicates whether the load is currently counting down
between Normal Hours and After Hours, during the
Indicates whether the load is currently in Normal Hours or After
Amount of minutes load stays ON, when a scheduled event
occurs that switches the load OFF when transitioning from
Normal Hours to After Hours. The relay will turn off and on once,
then the Override LED for that relay will blink continuously for
the time period. The LEDs for all switches bound to that group
will also blink continuously. Pressing the button will keep the
load ON and the time delay countdown will start. When the
countdown reaches 0, the blink function re-occurs.
NOTE: Blink
does not apply when transitioning from After Hours
to Normal Hours.
T D e l a y N H :
N o n e
T D e l a y A H :
1 2 0 m i n
N H – > A H :
Tu r n O f f
A H – > N H :
D o N o t h i n g
L o a d 2 P r o p e r t i e s 2
TDelay NH
If a load is commanded to turn ON when the schedule switches
to Normal Hours, the load will automatically turn OFF after the
time delay expires. If the load is turned on manually by a switch
after the schedule switches to Normal Hours, the load will again
automatically turn OFF after the time delay expires.
TDelay AH
Identical to
TDelay NH
, but the behavior occurs when the schedule
switches to After Hours. Works in conjunction with
Behavior of the relay when Normal Hours begins (turn ON, turn
OFF, or do nothing)
Behavior of the relay when After Hours begins (turn ON, turn
OFF, or do nothing)
S e n s o r B e h a v i o r
A H :
M a n O n / A u t o O f f
N H :
A u t o O n / O f f
L o a d 2 P r o p e r t i e s 3
Sensor Behavior: AH
Determines how the relay responds to sensor input during After
Hours. Possible values are:
• Manual On/Auto Off – Responds to sensor input when
vacancy is detected but not when occupancy is detected
• Auto On/Manual Off – Responds to sensor input when
occupancy is detected but not when vacancy is detected
• Auto On/Off – Responds to sensor input for both occupancy
and vacancy detection
• Do Nothing
Keep in mind that this determines whether the loads
assigned to the group will respond to sensor input. It does
not determine whether the loads will turn on or off.
That is
set within the sensor programming (either on the sensor itself,
or by using
Sensor Configuration
option in the LMCT-100-2 or
LMCS-100 software)
Sensor Behavior: NH
Determines how the relay responds to sensor input during
Normal Hours. Possible values same as above.
Group Status
S t a t u s – P a n e l
L o a d S t a t u s
G r o u p S t a t u s
L i g h t L e v e l
O c c u p a n c y S e n s o r s
D o n e
This set of screens displays the loads that are assigned to the
group, along with their current on/off state. Additionally, you can
view the settings for the group. Finally, in cases where the setting
of an individual load are different from the group settings, you can
view the differences. This can be extremely helpful when trying to
diagnose a situation in which a load is not responding as expected.
Keep in mind that individual loads can be programmed with
different values from the group but still be a member of the group.