Group Occupancy Sensor Settings
G r o u p L o a d s
G r o u p O c c S e n s o r s
G r o u p D a r k / L i g h t
G r o u p S e t u p – L M B C
On this set of screens, you assign individual events that
determine whether loads assigned to a group will turn on or off,
based on input from an occupancy sensor.
If using multiple occupancy sensors, when programming
with the LMCT-100, you should only assign ONE sensor
input to a group. Assigning more than one sensor to a
group will lead to inconsistent response (but you can
assign different sensors to different groups). If you need
to assign multiple sensors to a group, use the LMCS
software to program the actions. The LMCS software
has additional capabilities for programming input from
multiple sensors.
After selecting this option, point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR sensor
and press Select to open the
Occ Sensor Event
E v e n t N u m b e r :
< 1 >
O c c S e n s o r E v e n t
Select the
number in which to store the occupancy sensor
event. You can program up to 99 separate occupancy sensor
events, and each event is assigned to a group. Then select
to open the
Occ Sensor Event x
O c c S e n s o r :
< 1 >
O n A c t i o n :
< O n >
O f f A c t i o n :
< O f f >
G r o u p :
< 1 >
O c c S e n s o r E v e n t 1
< N e w E v e n t >
Select the number of the
Occ Sensor
assigned to the event.
Sensor numbers are automatically assigned based on serial
number with the highest
number set to 1, next highest set to 2, etc.
Set the
On Action
(sensor detects occupancy) and
Off Action
(sensor detects vacancy). For each action, the loads in the
group can be set to turn ON, turn OFF, or do nothing).
Whether the load responds to the sensor message is
determined by the two sensor related parameters that
are part of the group. So, for example, if Sensor NH is
set to Manual On/Auto Off, the load will respond to the
Off Action
but not the
On Action
during Normal Hours.
Set the
that the event is assigned to. Then, select
M o n :
< Y >
Tu e : < Y >
We d : < Y >
T h u : < Y >
F r i : < Y >
S a t : < N >
S u n : < N >
H o l i d a y : < N >
O c c S e n s o r A c t i v e O n
For each day of the week, select whether response to sensor
input will be active (Yes or No). Additionally, select whether the
event will be active on holidays. (You determine which days are
holidays in the
screen. See
to return to the
Occ Sensor Event x
screen. Then
again to return to the
Occ Sensor Event
to store the event settings in the panel or bridge.
Point the LMCT-100-2 at any infrared sensor press Select. You
return to the
Group Setup
You must
the settings for an event before
selecting another event, or those settings will be lost.
Group Dark/Light Events
G r o u p L o a d s
G r o u p O c c S e n s o r s
G r o u p D a r k / L i g h t
G r o u p S e t u p – L M B C
On this set of screens, you assign individual dark/light events
based on sunrise/sunset settings or on dark/light triggers from a
photo sensor connected to an LMIO-301.
After selecting this option, point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR sensor
and press Select to open the
Dark/Light Events
E v e n t :
< 1 >
D a r k / L i g h t E v e n t s
Select the
number in which to store the dark/light event.
You can program up to 32 separate dark/light events, and each
event is assigned to a group. Then select
to open the
Dark/Light Event x
Astro Events
C o n t r o l l e r :
< A s t r o >
D a r k :
< N o n e >
L i g h t :
< N o n e >
< L e s s L i g h t >
< 2 0 m i n >
G r o u p :
< 9 >
D a r k / L i g h t E v e n t 1
This screen changes depending on the value of the
parameter. By default, this is set to “Astro”. In this case, the dark
and light events are determined by sunrise and sunset, which is
dependent on the values you set on the
Location Setup
For the
parameters, the value determines the
action triggered by a dark or light event. Actions will affect all
loads that are part of the selected Network Group:
• 0% through 100% – Set the load to the specified amount.
• LNZ – Set the load to the last non-zero level.
• Do Nothing – No change to the load.
• NH Ovrride – Set the load to Normal Hours. All settings for
Normal Hours within the group (programmed from within the
Group Loads screen) will be applied.
• AH Ovrride – Set the load to After Hours. All settings for
After Hours within the group (programmed from within the
Group Loads screen) will be applied.
• Normal Hrs – Set the load to Normal Hours. All Normal
Hours settings for loads and sensors will be applied.
• After Hrs – Set the load to After Hours. All After Hours
settings for loads and sensors will be applied.
• Turn Off – Set the load to a value of 0. This turns the load
The next parameter can be set to “
More Light
” or “
”. This parameter, in conjunction with the following Time
parameter, determines when the event will be triggered in
relation to the actual sunrise and sunset time. More/Less
light refers to the amount of “daytime”/”nighttime”. The time
parameter can be selected in two minutes increments, and is
equally divided between before and after the actual sunrise/
sunset time. The
More Light
parameter acts as if the time
between sunrise and sunset was longer (more daytime), and
Less Light
acts as if there were less time between sunrise
and sunset (less daytime). So if you select Less Light with a