Advanced Settings (LMLS-600 only)
Advanced settings allows you to see the light level at the photocell
and to adjust the override mode and the override time delay.
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
2 . 0 f c / 3 . 9 9 0 f c
A l l o w O v e r r i d e :
O v e r r i d e T i m e :
H o l d O f f :
S c e n e s S t o p D L :
I g n o r e A f t H r s :
< Ye s >
< I n fi n >
< N o >
< N o >
< N o >
L M L S - 6 0 0 0 2 9 3 7 2 4 9 0 9
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
C o n t r o l M o d e
Up and Down Light Levels:
Present light level measured at the up and down looking
Up looking range: 0 to 6500 fc
Down looking range: 0 to 65 fc
Allow Override
Determines if override mode is permitted, while daylighting
control is active.
Available choices: Yes or No
Override Time
Override Time selects the time delay, after daylighting control
has been disabled due to an observed external user or system
action, before automatic control resumes.
Range: Infinity or 1 to 24 hours.
Hold OFF
The Hold Off setting selects the behavior of daylighting loads when
they are turned ON, by a switch or occupancy sensor.
If Hold Off = <No> (default), the loads can always be turned on
to their previous level, and then will begin to adjust based upon
If Hold Off = <Yes>, the sensor will limit the loads to the level
presently allowed by daylight contribution. This means that the
loads may not initially turn ON (if the ambient light level is high—
above the ON or Dimming Setpoint), but will become active
for daylighting control, and will turn ON or dim up as daylight
contribution drops.
Scenes Stop DL
When set to No the sensor adjusts levels, up to that recorded
in the scene, even though a scene is active. When set to Yes,
daylighting control is disabled for any loads on which a scene is
recalled until a change is manually made to the level of the load,
or until the next cycle of occupancy.
Ignore After Hours
When set to Yes, the photosensor will ignore After Hours and will
continue to operate as normal.
When set to No, the daylighting controlled loads that are set to
After Hours are removed from daylighting control for the duration
of the After Hours period.
To set the Recommissioning Threshold and Recommissioning
Delay, choose NEXT.
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
M a x E L L i g h t :
D a y l i g h t R a t i o :
F o r c e O p e n L o o p :
R e c o m m T h r e s h :
R e c o m m D e l a y :
E n a b D i a g M s g s
1 . 8 3 3 f c
0 . 0 7 6 2
< N o >
< 2 f c >
< 0 m i n >
< A l l >
Maximum Electric Light:
Maximum Electric Light shows the maximum output of all of the
controlled electric lights, as seen in the closed-loop (down-looking)
Daylight Ratio:
Shows the latest average ratio between the daylight contribution
seen in the closed-loop (down-looking) sensor and that
measured by the open-loop (up-looking) sensor.
Force Open Loop:
When set to “Yes”, this parameter causes the sensor to always
reference the Open-Loop sensor during control operations, and use
the Closed-Loop sensor only for Automatic Calibration process. For
true dual-loop control, this parameter must be set to “No”.
Available choices: Yes or No
Recomm Thresh
The open-loop light level
below which the LMLS-600
enters recommissioning
mode. If this parameter is
set to 0, automatic daily
recommissioning is disabled.
Range: 0 to 255
Recomm Delay
The time that must elapse, with the open-loop light level
remaining below the Recommissioning Threshold, before
Recommissioning starts.
Range: 0 to 240 min
Enable Diagnostic Messages:
Controls reporting of diagnostic information, visually and over
the DLM IRB. Select “LED” (default) to enable the red LED flash
pattern indicating Occupant Interference. Choose “None” to disable
the red LED indication and all other messages. Select “All” only if
so directed by WattStopper technicians.
To send the changed settings to the LMLS-600, select
point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR enabled device, and press
Control Mode
Control Mode allows you to select the control behavior of the
photosensor. After choosing Control Mode and pressing Select,
point to the LMLS device and press Select. The current control
mode is displayed. This can be changed to Normal, Test, Demo,
or Disable.
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 4 0 0
C o n t r o l M o d e
C o n t r o l M o d e
< N o r m a l >
L M L S - 4 0 0 0 2 9 3 6 1 1 9 3 5
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
C o n t r o l M o d e
Press the left/right arrow to scroll through the options.
– Allows the photosensor to take control of the
daylighting loads.
– Shortens timeouts for switching operation, and speeds
ramp rates for dimming operation, to allow quick verification.
Test Mode cancels automatically after 5 minutes.
– Allows the photosensor to select a set of preset
parameters. This mode should only be selected when
demonstrating the functionality of the unit is desired.
– Allows you to temporarily prevent the
photosensor from controlling its assigned loads. While in
this mode, the sensor will continue to report light levels, but
will not adjust any loads. This parameter is mostly used for
troubleshooting purposes.
Button Type
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3