Responding to an SMS or Email Leak Alarm
If an alarm is raised and you don’t see a puddle of water in the location, please consider whether an
appliance e.g., a sink, washing machine or bath in that area has been used within 30 minutes of the
alarm being raised as it may be a very small drip leak or seepage that has caused the alarm.
If an alarm is raised, the red Zone LED on the WaterComm device into which the wet tape is plugged
will be lit. If you get a notification but when you look at the device the Zone LED is not on, please still
check the area, but no LED signifies that the tape has dried since the alarm was raised.
When you find the source of the leak, disconnect the leak detection tape by unplugging it from the
bottom of the WaterComm device. Repair the leak and let the tape dry completely before plugging it
back in. If an alarm is raised as soon as you plug the tape back in, then it is not yet dry. Disconnect and
leave for a further period to dry then re-connect.
to re-connect the tape as soon as possible once it is dry. The location where the
tape was activated is not protected unless it is plugged into the Leaksafe RM device.
Once a day, behind the scenes, each WaterComm monitors its battery level, the ambient temperature
and humidity and whether the connected tape is wet. We call this a ‘daily heartbeat’. If a leak alarm
has been activated and the tape is still wet when the next daily heartbeat is transmitted, you will
receive a further notification and will continue to receive them every 24 hours all the time the tape is
wet. If the tape dries then wets again, a new alarm will be raised.
The On/Off button in the centre of the device turns the notification service off or on if pressed for 5
seconds – the green and blue LEDs on either side of the button will flash and then go out. If turned off
the leak detection zone LED indication will still work but the device will not send a notification to the
data platform and the device will be flagged as ‘Silent’.
The Control Panel is either mains powered with lithium battery backup or can run off lithium battery
alone. Battery life is between 3 – 5 years and you will receive a low battery warning SMS or email if
the battery level falls below a certain level. To change the battery, slide the Control Panel to the right to
release it from its bracket and reveal the battery compartment. Lithium battery type ER26500.