installation manual of the ES-DH series drives
Power Supply Selection
To achieve good driving performances, it is important to choose a suitable supply voltage and use a
matching current value. Generally speaking, supply voltage determines the high speed performance
of the motor, while output current determines the output torque of the driven motor (particularly at
lower speed). Higher supply voltage will allow higher motor speed to be achieved, at the price of
more noise and heating. If the motion speed requirement is low, it
s better to use lower supply
voltage to decrease noise, heating and improve reliability.
Multiple Drives
It is recommended to have multiple drives to share one power supply to reduce cost, if the supply
has enough capacity. To avoid cross interference, DO NOT daisy-chain the power supply input pins of
the drives. Instead, please connect them to power supply separately.
Selecting Supply Voltage
Higher supply voltage can increase motor torque at higher speeds, thus helpful for avoiding losing
steps. However, higher voltage may cause bigger motor vibration at lower speed, and it may also
cause over-voltage protection or even drive damage. Therefore, it is suggested to choose only
sufficiently high supply voltage for intended applications, and it is suggested to use power supplies
with theoretical output voltage of drive
s m 10% to drive
s maximum
10%, leaving room
for power fluctuation and back-EMF.
Select Power Supply Voltage
Driver Input Voltage
Driver Upper Input limit
Power Supply Voltage
Maximum Safe Rating
Driver Upper Input limit
Driver Lower Input limit
+ 10%
Driver Lower Input limit
Minimum Safe Rating
Safe Region
Driver Input Voltage
Driver Upper Input limit
Power Supply Voltage
Maximum Safe Rating
Driver Upper Input limit
Driver Lower Input limit
+ 10%
Driver Lower Input limit
Minimum Safe Rating
Safe Region
www.servosystem.ru +7(495) 407-01-02