Le Maitre Ltd.
Wireless SQP User Manual
Display Menu
The menu accessed manually on the WSQP display, is a simple, double direction, numbered, circular menu.
Not all the menu items are settings, as some just contain information. Some menu items may be
contextually hidden if they are not applicable to current setup.
To access the menu from the COBRA display mode (M:COBRA), press and hold the MODE button for
2seconds. That will access the MENU/MODE screen as below:
Figure 11 (repeated) MENU/MODE screen
When DMX is plugged in the MENU/MODE screen is replaced with DMX mode display (to which machine
defaults after turn on). All of the button functionality is retained.
Figure 13 DMX mode screen
Once the MENU/MODE screen is shown, scroll through the menu items by pressing MENU (forwards) or
MODE (backwards).
Parameters can be changed using UP and DOWN buttons. Settings are saved automatically.
The menu items are as follows:
Set Safety DMX Channel
Set the DMX safety/arm channel of the machine.
Set Solenoid DMX Channel
Set the starting solenoid DMX channel of the machine. This is the first of the four canister firing
solenoids, the other solenoids will be on the next three consecutive channels.
For example: Setting this to DMX channel 2, means that CH2 fires solenoid 1, CH3 fires solenoid 2,
CH4 fires solenoid 3 and CH5 fires solenoid 4.
*. Tech Settings
Further (tech) settings are restricted by default, but can be shown easily by pressing the UP button
on this menu item to enable.
Safety Delay (0-25s)
In DMX mode, once the safety channel is raised to arm the machine, the system will only allow full
arming and firing capability after the Safety Delay time, which is set to 10 seconds by default.
In COBRA mode, this safety delay is not applicable for arming, which is instant in keeping with the
COBRA ecosystem.
Note: If machine is disabled by one of the safety checks, waiting the duration of safety delay is
required to re-enable. This can be triggered by the following:
Tilted machine or vibration
Detecting a fault in spark ignitor operation
Attempting to fire while in safety delay
Pressing any button on machine control panel while armed or in safety delay