The Battle Fogger is a Microprocessor Controlled, Water Base Fog generating system.
The Microprocessor is responsible for the following control elements -
Monitoring the heat exchanger temperature.
Driving the heater within the heat-exchanger.
Driving the fluid pump unit, relating fluid flow to temperature
Accepting and manipulating data from the Flow, Duration and Interval controls.
Accepting data from the Smoke Switch.
Ready Status, Heater Status, temperature .
Microprocessor Control
Water Base Fog Technology
Water Base Fog technology is achieved by pumping a Glycol/Water mixture through a Heat
exchanger. The heat exchanger has been heated to the point where at the fog fluid mixture
will vaporize.
The fluids own vaporization forces the hot mixture out of the output nozzle where, when
it mixes with the ambient air, it forms an opaque aerosol (fog). The fog is made up of tiny
droplets of glycol that form around the small particles in the air. The suspended droplets
reflect the light, which is why fog will take on the colour of the light illuminating it.