Accessory examples
his section of the manual describes configuring the ASC2 for operation of up to 8
individual accessories.
Your ASC2 must be configured either as a switch controller OR an accessory
controller. It cannot control switches and accessories at the same time.
Basic on/off accessories and layout lighting can be connected to the Accessory/Switch
terminals on the ASC2. In Accessory mode, up to 8 different devices can be connected. Refer to
Figure 8, letter B. The row labeled “Accessory” shows which terminals correspond to accessory
1 through 8. Accessory 1 through 4 share one common connection and 5-8 share another.
Keep in mind that the ASC2 does not supply power to the accessories; this device simply
acts as an ON/OFF switch. It is recommended that the ASC2 COMM connection be used for the
“hot” leg of your external power.
To connect a basic on/off accessory or light to your ASC2:
1. Attach one wire to the Power/A terminal on your power supply and connect it to the COMM
terminal of the ASC2.
2. Attach another wire to the Common/Ground/U terminal on the power supply and connect
to an accessory power terminal.
3. Attach a final wire to the remaining accessory power terminal and connect it to a numbered
terminal on the ASC2 (terminal 1 shown in the illustration).
To operate your accessores in eight ID sub-mode, you will need to address each
connected accessory by its individual TMCC ID. Accessory 1's ID is equal to the
TMCC ID base address. Accessory 2's ID is equal to the base address plus one. See
Appendix A for additional accessory configuration and operation examples.