Installing LCS with Legacy AND TrainMaster Command Bases
he following instructions apply ONLY if you are using one or more original CAB-1 remotes with
a Legacy command base. It is not necessary to follow these instructions to use the CAB-1L remote
with a Legacy command base.
In order to complete this installation, you will need a CAB-1 remote, an original TMCC
Trainmaster command base, a Legacy Command Base with Legacy CAB-2 remote and the Legacy
serial Y cable (included with the Legacy command base).
This is the ONLY supported application for the Legacy Y cable. The “Command base” end
of the Legacy Serial Y cable cannot be directly connected to any accessory other than the
original TMCC TrainMaster command base.
To install a new LCS system on a layout with a Legacy Command Base, an original TMCC
Command Base and a Legacy Serial Y Cable:
1. Turn off power to your layout, Legacy Base and TMCC TrainMaster command base.
2. Connect the DC wall-pack to the female cable-mount connector of the LCS DB-9 Cable.
3. Connect the DB-9 connector of the Legacy Serial Y cable to your Legacy Command Base.
4. Connect the “Command Base” end of the Legacy Y cable to the DB-9 connector of your TMCC
Trainmaster Command Base.
5. Connect the DB-9 end of the LCS DB-9 Cable to the “Serial Comm” connector of the Legacy
Y cable.
6. Connect the LCS PDI cable end of the LCS DB-9 Cable to either connector on your LCS device,
such as an LCS WiFi or LCS SensorTrack or any other Layout Control System product.
7. Restore power to your layout, Legacy Base and TMCC TrainMaster command base.
8. Plug in the LCS wall-pack power supply.
If using a Legacy command base, it must have software rev 1.52 or higher installed.
Installing Your First LCS Device