background image

3)  Keep the trigger pressed

-  If the display show H2O , it means that there is 

no water in the tank. Fill the tank (see “Filling the 

tanks with water”)


At the end of the work shift, stop the machine in the 

following way:

1)  Press boiler switch button to (0) OFF 


2) Press main switch to (0) OFF 


3) Unplug the machine from the electrical power 


Boiler drain 

Follow the instructions below:

-  A few minutes before the end of the work shift, 

turn off the boiler by pressing the BOILER START 

luminous green push-button, continuing to use 

the steam gun until the pressure gauge indicates 

a value of 0-1 bar;

(see fig. 


-  Carefully open the boiler drain cock 


, situated 

on the machine and drain all the water from the 

boiler into a suitable container;

WARNING: Danger from hot steam.



V15  While the machine is functioning, it 

is strictly forbidden to remove safety devices 

set by the Manufacturer for the purpose of 

protecting the operator against incidents.

-  Only skilled and qualified operators must use 

the machine.

- Avoid aiming the steam lance towards 

personnel or delicate objects such as plastic, 

crystal or other materials which may melt or 

deteriorate with contact to steam at 180°C.

-  Never leave the machine unattended.

-  Always remove the power supply from the 

machine before filling the tanks.



IMPORTANT: Before doing any work 

on the cleaner, discharge the pressure 

and disconnect the electricity and water 




Before any maintenance or replacement activity, 

remember to:

-  stop the machine (MAIN SWITCH turned to 


-  unplug it.

 K1 Maintenance, replacement or servicing 

activities described in this handbook must be 

entrusted only to skilled operators familiar 

with the technology used on the machine.

 K2 Consult qualified personnel at the 

manufacturer or sales outlet for any 

adjustment, tuning or replacement actions not 

included in this manual.

Machine general cleaning

Once a week, remove all the dust from the machine 

using compressed air.

Clean the machine body externally with suitable de-




Always wear protective gloves when cleaning the 



(see table)

 22WARNING:  To ensure machine safety, use 

only original spare parts supplied or approved 

by the manufacturer. 




Summary of Contents for Metis

Page 1: ...mente las advertencias antes el uso de aparado ATEN O leia atentamente as advert ncia antes do uso do aparelho Metis MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI Generatore di Vapore Pag 4 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Steam generator...


Page 3: of delivery Suivant le mod le la fourniture peut varier Je nach Modell gibt es Unterschiede im Lieferumfang Seg n el modelos hay diferencias en el contenido suministrado Consoante o modelo existem...

Page 4: verr disciolto e disperso sul terreno I pneumatici e le valvole d aria dei pneumatici devono essere lavati mantenendo una distanza minima di 30 cm in caso contrario essi potreb bero essere danneggi...

Page 5: ...ino allo smantellamento della macchina i raccordi per l alta pressione sono importan ti per la sicurezza dell apparecchio Utilizzare solamente tubi flessibili accessori e raccordi prescritti dal costr...

Page 6: ...essere tolte o nascoste V14 Le istruzioni valgono per diversi modelli di conseguenza alcuni dettagli possono essere dif ferenti secondo il modello di macchina V15 Non toccare e non far funzionare la...

Page 7: ...batoio dell acqua spegnere la macchina posizionando l interruttore generale in posizione OFF effettuare il riempimento del serbatoio ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA Il collegamento elettrico dell apparecchio...

Page 8: ...ericolo Acqua vedi fig A vedi capitolo ALIMENTAZIONE IDRICA PRIMA DEL 1 USO REGOLAZIONE DELLA TEMPERATURA vedi fig B Per effettuare la regolazione della temperatura agi re sul termoregolatore posto su...

Page 9: ...lizzo della pistola a vapore fino a quando il manometro indica una pressione da 0 a 1 BAR aprire lentamente il rubinetto di scarico caldaia far defluire l acqua contenuta nella caldaia in un contenito...

Page 10: ...ri Paesi La garanzia decorre dalla data di acquisto Sono esclusi dalla garanzia le parti soggette a normale usura le parti in gomma spazzole di carbone i filtri gli accessori e gli optional i dan ni a...

Page 11: ...vello acqua caldaia 3 Pressostato 3 Valvola di sicurezza 3 Pulire i sensori di livello dell acqua 3 Sostituire il pressostato e con trollare che il tubo di scarico sia libero da incrostazioni 3 Sostit...

Page 12: ...ounding ground Vehicle tyres tyre valves may only be cleaned from a minimum distance of 30 cm otherwise the vehicle tyre tyre valve could be damaged by the high pressure jet The first indication of th...

Page 13: ...23WARNING Do not direct the jet against yourself or others in order to clean clothes or foot wear 24WARNING High pressure cleaners shall not be used by children or untrained personnel WARNING Water t...

Page 14: ...inflammable or combustible pro ducts away from the equipment area K19 Obviously the above mentioned instruc tions are not sufficient to prevent all sorts of acci dents therefore the user will have to...

Page 15: ...rous XJ WARNING If an extension cord is used the plug and socket must be of watertight construction Information for supply may also be obtained from the plug manufacturer 230 240V 400 415V 3G 2 5 mm2...

Page 16: ...l that the thermo regulator is set to 190 C in order to be able to work at 10 bar TABLE OF COMPARISON BETWEEN DEGREES CENTI GRADE AND STEAM PRESSURE EXPRESSED IN BAR C bar 152 5 159 6 165 7 170 8 175...

Page 17: ...lance towards personnel or delicate objects such as plastic crystal or other materials which may melt or deteriorate with contact to steam at 180 C Never leave the machine unattended Always remove the...

Page 18: ...t allowed by law according to EU Directive 2002 96 EC of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment and the particular national laws of the EU Member States transforming this Directi...

Page 19: ...2 1 Clean the water level sensors 2 2 Fill the tank 2 2 Replace the solenoid valve 2 2 Check and eventually replace it The user Authorized After Sales Service The user The user Authorized After Sales...

Page 20: ...06ATTENTION Le jet de la lance ne doit pas tre dirig vers les parties m caniques contenant de la graisse lubrifiante dans le cas contraire la graisse sera dissoute et r pandue sur le terrain Les pneu...

Page 21: ...pas correctement utilis s Ne pas les di riger sur des personnes des animaux des appareils lectriques branch s ou sur l appa reil lui m me 08ATTENTION Les tubes flexibles les accessoires et les raccor...

Page 22: ...K10 En cas de panne et ou de mauvais fonctionnement d branchez la du r seau sans alt rerlescommandesetles quipements Pour les r parations adressez vous uniquement un centre d assistance technique aut...

Page 23: d ch ance de la garantie Alimentation en eau par un robinet A la prise d eau de l appareil raccordez un flexible d alimentation non livr d origine et connectez le la source d eau Ouvrez le robinet...

Page 24: ...r accessoire vapeur tuyau INSTALLATION ET MISE EN MARCHE IMPORTANT La temp rature de la pi ce d in stallation de la machine devra tre comprise en tre 10 C et 35 C voir fig C Connecter le tuyau Elever...

Page 25: ...FF MISE EN MARCHE Description de la s quence de mise en marche Apr s s tre assur d avoir effectu tous les branche ments et les contr les pr alables d crits dans les chapitres pr c dents mettre la mach...

Page 26: ...aide d air comprim Effectuer un nettoyage externe du corps de la ma chine avec des produits d tergents adapt s ATTENTION Toujours porter des gants de protection durant le nettoyage de la machine INCON...

Page 27: ...LA POMPE de l eau NE FONCTIONNE PAS 2 1 Ne charge pas d eau 2 2 Signal sonore 2 1 R servoir eau vide 2 1 Pompe 2 1 Filtre obstru 2 1 Capteurs de niveau d eau 2 2 Manque d eau dans le r servoir 2 2 Con...

Page 28: ...waschen wird Fahrzeugreifen Reifenventiled rfennurmiteinem Mindestabstand von 30 cm gereinigt werden sonstkannderFahrzeugreifen Reifenventildurch den Hochdruckstrahl besch digt werden Erstes Anzeichen...

Page 29: ...R SACHSCH DEN ZU werden 08ACHTUNG Die Hochdruckschl uche Zubeh rteile und Anschl sse sind wichtig f r die Sicherheit des Ger tes Benutzen Sie nur die vom Hersteller vorgeschriebenen Schl uche Zubeh rt...


Page 31: ...ter mit Wasser bef llen Ger t ausschalten und Hochdruckschlauch wieder anschrauben ACHTUNG Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von entminerali siertem Wasser STROMVERSORGUNG Der elektrische Anschluss des Ger...

Page 32: ...ngen verursachen WASSER Abb Siehe Kapitel WASSERVERSORGUNG ERSTE ANLASSEN VOR DEM 1 Gebrauch Temperaturregelung Siehe Abb B Temperatur durch den Temperaturregler auf der Steuertafel einstellen Dieses...

Page 33: ...weiter betreiben bis das Manometer einen Druck von 0 bis 1 bar anzeigt siehe Abb E den Ablaufhah Maschine langsam ffnen und das Wasser aus dem Dampfkessel in einen geeigneten Beh lter ablaufen lassen...

Page 34: ...nsfehler ab Die Garantie gilt vom Verkaufsdatum an Von der Garantie ausgeschlossen sind die sich bewegenden der Abnutzung unterliegenden Tei le Gummiteile Kohleb rsten Filter Zubeh r und Optional Zube...

Page 35: ...E FUNKTIONIERT NICHT 2 1 L dt kein Wasser 2 2 Akustisches Signal 2 1 Wassertank leer 2 1 Pumpe 2 1 Filter verstopft 2 1 Sensoren f r den Wasserf llstand 2 2 Wassermangel im Tank 2 2 Sensoren f r den W...

Page 36: ...veh culos y en las v lvulas de los mismos El primer indicio de esto es la decoloraci n del neum tico Un neum tico defectuoso o deteriorado puede tenerconsecuenciasmortales 07ATENCI N Los chorros a al...

Page 37: normal que queden algunasgotasdeaguaensuinterior 13 ATENCI N Atenci n a no daniar el cable el ctrico Si el cable de alimentaci n resulta da ado debe ser sustitu ido por el fabricante por el servici...

Page 38: ...flamables o combustibles K19 Las instrucciones que se indican arriba obviamente no previenen todos los accidentes y por lo tanto ser responsabilidad del usuario moverse con la m xima precauci n K20 La...

Page 39: ...l mismo est equipado con cable de PVC H VV F XY ATENCI N extenciones el ctricas inadecuadas pueden resultar peligrosas XJ ATENCI N Si se utiliza una prolongaci n el enchufe y la toma deben ser imperme...

Page 40: ...ulaci n de la temperatura hay que seguir los siguientes pasos Mantener pulsados al mismo tiempo y durante algunos segundos Pulsar el bot n para incrementar la temperatura o el bot n para disminuir Par...

Page 41: ...delicados como pl sticos cristales u otro material que con el contacto del vapor a 180 C se pueda disolver o deteriorar No dejar nunca el aparato sin vigilancia Cada vez que se vayan a llenar los dep...

Page 42: ...s o impropios La garant a no contempla la eventual limpieza de los rganos funcionantes boquillas obstruidas filtros bloquea dos para los residuos de caliza ELIMINACI N Como propietario de un aparato e...

Page 43: ...1 Dep sito de agua vac o 2 1 Bomba 2 1 Filtro atascado 2 1 sensores de nivel del agua 2 2 Falta agua en el dep sito 2 2 Comprobar el flotador 2 1 Llenar el dep sito 2 1 Sustituir la bomba 2 1 Limpiar...

Page 44: manuten o devem ser seguidos de maneira correta Caso contr rio o fabricante n o poder ser conside rado respons vel pelos poss veis danos que possam ocorrer com pessoas animais ou coisas como conse...

Page 45: ...neira errada Os jatos n o devem ser apontados em pessoas animais e partes el tricas ou no pr prio equipa mento 8 As mangueira os acess rios e conex es s o importantes para a seguran a do equipamento...

Page 46: ...bre uma superf cie horizontal de modo seguro e est vel ALIMENTA O H DRICA Conex o de gua IN Entrada ATEN O S mbolo Equipamento n o adequado para conex o na rede de gua pot vel A lavadora s poder ser...

Page 47: ...o GAS Quando falta diesel no reservat rio Regulador de temperatura Regulador de temperatura Saida d agua Verificar figura C Torneira de vapor Drenar a gua Pistola de vapor Acess rio para vapor Mangue...

Page 48: ...l devem ser cumpridas as disposi es legislativas especificas no campo da preven o dos acidentes no trabalho Informa o para o Cliente 1 Este manual reflete o estado atual da t cnica da m quina e n o po...

Page 49: ...r Para cada interven o de substitui o assegurar que o interruptor geral esteja na posi o OFF PARTIDA FUNCIONAMENTO Descri o da sequencia para liga lo Depois de ter comprovado que se efetuou todas as c...

Page 50: da m quina Ao final de cada semana deve se limpar cuidadosa mente o p usando ar comprimido Realizar uma limpeza externa do corpo da m quina somente com produtos adequados INCONVENIENTES E SOLU ES T...

Page 51: ...e n vel agua na caldeira 3 Press stato ou comutador de press o 3 V lvula de seguran a 3 Limpar o sensor descarregan do e esvaziando a caldeira 3 Substituir o Press stato ou comutador de press o e veri...

Page 52: ...01 02 03 05a 05b 5 05c 05d 05e 06 30 07 RU 52...

Page 53: ...21 22 23 24 XX XY XJ K1 0 K2 K3 08 11 OFF 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 RU 53...

Page 54: ...K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 V11 V12 K13 V14 V15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 H RU 54...

Page 55: ...13 mm 1 2 inch 30 40 C 1Mpa OFF I 364 0 03 0 0 H VV F XY XJ 230 240V 400 415V 3G 2 5 mm2 4G 2 5 mm2 max 20 m max 30 m A RU 55...

Page 56: ...B ON OFF H2O GAS C D C 10 C 35 C A 18 l Diesel A 18 l 1 B 5 bar 10 bar 10 bar 190 C C BAR 152 5 159 6 165 7 170 8 175 9 180 10 BAR 190 C RU 56...

Page 57: ...B 0 OFF 1 I ON 2 I ON 3 1 0 OFF 2 0 OFF 3 0 1 BAR E OFF V15 RU 57...

Page 58: ...180 C OFF K1 K2 22 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2002 96 EC 27 01 03 RU 58...

Page 59: ...1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 PT100 1 1 1 150 C 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 PED IV RU 59...

Page 60: ...8 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 PT100 1 1 1 150 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 PED IV 60...

Page 61: ...7 OFF K1 K2 UE 2002 96 CE 27 2003 61...

Page 62: ...6 B 7 0 OFF 1 0 OFF 2 0 OFF 3 0 1 E 1 10 I ON 2 I 9 3 OFF V15 180 62...

Page 63: ...5 A 1 2 14 4 5 3 6 B 7 8 9 ON OFF 10 11 H2O GAS 12 13 C 15 16 17 18 19 A B 5 10 10 190 10 35 152 5 159 6 165 7 170 8 175 9 180 10 A 18 l 190 13 63...

Page 64: ...4 BY PASS 13 1 2 40 1 OFF IEC 60364 1 0 03 30 ms 0 PVC H VV F XY XJ 230 240 400 415 3 G 2 5 2 4 G 2 5 2 20 30 64...

Page 65: ...3 K13 V14 V15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 65...

Page 66: ...2 08 11 0 OFF 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 XX XY XJ OFF K1 OFF 0 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 V11 V12 66...

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Page 71: ...001 A2 2008 EN 61000 3 2 2014 EN 61000 3 3 2013 Declara bajo su propia responsabilidad que la m quina Declara sob pr pria responsabilidade que a maquina Director general Director geral Pegognaga 09 05...

Page 72: ...nd subsequent modifications and the standards EN est conforme aux directives CE et aux modifications successives ainsi qu aux normes EN den Richtlinien EG den nachfolgenden nderungen sowie den Normen...
