The refill type can be chosen from two
options: NORMAL and BUS:
select NORMAL in case of A/C systems with
refrigerant cap. < 2 Kg OR if a gear pump is
present on your unit
Select BUS for A/C systems with refrigerant
cap. > 2 Kg and a gear pump is NOT present
The wrong setting of the charging
mode setting may lead to charginG
Excludes or includes the oil oil charging
cycle from the automatic pocedure
(ON/OFF choice). The setting allows the
user to exclude the oil charging even if an
automatic oil charging mode with scale has
been chosen
The incondensable release by means of a
solenoid valve is available on special models
only. If the unit is provided with such a
feature it arns the user of the presence of air
in the tank. When requested ou may release
NCG’s by pressing on ENTER (each pressure
opens for a set time) until the NCG’s are
released and pressure values comply to the
given limits.
www.diagtools.eu, [email protected], Pernavas 43A, Riga, Latvia, LV-1009, +37129416069