BST-460 Battery System Tester User Manual
To exit when this prompt message appears on the screen,
misfire the engine and press RETURN key after about 50 seconds .
Press OK key to start the charging test.
Do not shut down the engine during the test. All electrical
appliance and device are in OFF state. Turning on/off any electrical
appliance in the vehicle during the test will affect the accuracy of the
test result.
The tester will do the following tests in sequence:
For ripple test, the tester will present the real time waveform and
ripple volt and charging volt values are displayed at the bottom line.
It takes approx. 6 seconds for the ripple test.
After the ripple test, the tester will automatically start the loaded
voltage test. See below picture:
Loaded Volt Test takes approx. 3 seconds, and then the "INCREASE
REV" prompt will appear on the screen . See below picture: