LatticeECP2/M sysCONFIG Usage Guide
Creating a New Simulation Project Using Simulation Wizard
This section describes how to use the Simulation Wizard to create a simulation project (.spf) file so you can import
it into a standalone simulator.
1. In Project Navigator, click
Tools > Simulation Wizard
. The Simulation Wizard opens.
2. In the Preparing the Simulator Interface page click
3. In the Simulator Project Name page, enter the name of your project in the Project Name text box and
browse to the file path location where you want to put your simulation project using the Project Location
text box and Browse button.
When you designate a project name in this wizard page, a corresponding folder will be created in the file
path you choose. Click
in the popup dialog that asks you if you wish to create a new folder.
4. Click either the Active-HDL
or ModelSim
simulator check box and click
5. In the Process Stage page choose which type of Process Stage of simulation project you wish to create
Valid types are RTL, Post-Synthesis Gate-Level, Post-Map Gate-Level, and Post-Route Gate-level+Timing.
Only those process stages that are available are activated.
Note that you can make a new selection for the current strategy if you have more than one defined in your
The software supports multiple strategies per project implementation which allow you to experiment with
alternative optimization options across a common set of source files. Since each strategy may have been
processed to different stages, this dialog allows you to specify which stage you wish to load.
6. In the Add Source page, select from the source files listed in the Source Files list box or use the browse
button on the right to choose another desired source file. Note that if you wish to keep the source files in
the local simulation project directory you just created, check the
Copy Source to Simulation Directory
7. Click
and a Summary page appears and provides information on the project selections including the
simulation libraries. By default, the Run Simulator check box is enabled and will launch the simulation tool
you chose earlier in the wizard in the Simulator Project Name page.
8. Click
The Simulation Wizard Project (.spf) file and a simulation script DO file are generated after running the wizard. You
can import the DO file into your current project if desired. If you are using Active-HDL, the wizard will generate an
.ado file and if you are using ModelSim, it creates and .mdo file.
Note: PCS configuration file, (.txt) must be added in step 6.
Setting Global Preferences in Diamond
To set any of the Global preferences in Table 15-11, do the following in Diamond:
• Invoke the Spreadsheet View by selecting
Tools > Spreadsheet View
• Select the
Global Preferences Tab
beneath the Spreadsheet View pane as shown in Figure 15-14.
• Right-click on the
Preference Value
to be set. In the drop-down menu, select the desired value.