LatticeECP2/M sysCONFIG Usage Guide
• When the GWDIS signal is low it safeguards the integrity of the RAM Blocks and LUTs in the device. This signal
is low before the device wakes up.
• When low, GOE prevents the device’s I/O buffers from driving the pins.
• When high, the DONE pin indicates that configuration is complete and that no errors were detected.
If DONE_EX (see DONE_OD, DONE_EX above) is OFF then sequence 21 is the default, but the user can select
any sequence from 8 to 25; if DONE_EX is ON the default sequence is 4, but the user can select any sequence
from 1 to 7.
Configuration FAQs
Here are some of the more common questions regarding device configuration.
• Q. Other than JTAG, what is the least expensive method of configuration?
. If you already have a processor and extra storage on the board you can use the processor to feed configura-
tion data to the LatticeECP2/M. The least expensive stand-alone configuration option is SPI Serial Flash.
• Q. I have created my bitstream, now how do I load the bitstream into the LatticeECP2/M?
Use the free Lattice ispVM tool (from
), and a Lattice ispDOWNLOAD
• Q. I can’t read the LatticeECP2/M device ID using JTAG. What could be wrong?
This is the most basic of JTAG operations. If you are having trouble reading the device ID then something
basic is wrong. Check that the JTAG connections are correct, and that V
and the download cable V
are cor-
rect (and the same). Make sure that the XRES pin is connected to ground through a 10K resistor. Check that all
LatticeECP2/M V
and ground pins are properly connected. Check for noise on the JTAG signals. Sometimes
touching a properly grounded ‘scope probe to TCK will change the symptoms; if so, you have signal noise
issues. Check for excessive noise on the V
• Q. Is there anything I can do during board design that will make debugging easier?
. Bring the dedicated configurations pins, PROGRAMN, INITN, DONE, and CCLK out to accessible test points.
• Q. Do I need external pull-up resistors on PROGRAMN, INITN, or DONE?
. All of these signals have internal weak pull-ups, however if you have a noisy environment, or have several
devices connected to these pins, adding a 10K pull-up to the signal is recommended.
• Q. How can I get assistance with configuration issues?
Use the On-line Assistant feature in ispVM. You will find it under the Help menu.