Laserworld CS-1000RGB
Laserworld CS-1000RGB
12 / 45
13 / 45
Color change
0 - 24
Original color
25 - 49
50 - 74
75 - 99
100 - 124
125 - 149
150 - 174
175 - 199
200 - 224
Automatic color change effect
225 - 255
Multi color step through
Color speed
0 - 255
Speed adjustment for automatic
color change effect and multi color
step through
To access the settings, select „SEt“ by navigating with the „Up“ / „Down“ buttons and confirm with
The settings menu holds several configuration options for the laser system.
Master Setting
The „uAST“ menu allows for the activation and deactivation of the Master mode for the laser. If
the laser is set to Master > On, then it can be used as Master device in a Master-Slave setup. See
more in „8.2.3. Master-Slave“.
Press „Enter“ to change the settings. Use the „Up“ / „Down“ button to change the selection.
Confirm with „Enter“.
Safety Setting
The „bEAu“ menu can switch the beam block safety on and off. The beam block safety prevents
that very intense, single beams can be displayed. It is highly recommended to not switch this
feature off. Switching off the beam block safety is at your own risk! Lasers with switched off beam
block safety may only be used in safe areas.
Always respect the local laws!
Press „Enter“ to change the settings. Use the „Up“ / „Down“ button to change the selection.
Confirm with „Enter“.
Orientation Setting
The „InvE“ menue controls the orientation of the projection. You can invert the projection and flip it
to match the orientation of the laser with the content.
Press „Enter“ to change the settings. A test picture is shown to represent the currently set orientati-
on. Use the „Up“ / „Down“ button to change the selection, and confirm the selection with „Enter“ to
change the test picture projection