March 19, 2018
HogNose building instructions
Fit "W3" (sheet 1) and "W4" (from step
27) to the wing, engaging the rib tabs into
their respective wing slots.
Ensure that you use the correct "W4"
assembly (from Step 27) so that the
pockets are facing inwards. i.e. The
reinforcing strip is on the outside.
Step 30
Photo of finished wings.
Turn the wing over and set on a flat
Glue only the tenons as shown. This should
ensure that the wing is flat and not twisted.
Check again by sighting along the ribs.
When happy, glue all ribs fully in place.
Ensure NO GLUE enters the slots for the
wing spar shown in picture for Step 31.
Repeat Step 31 and 32 on the other wing.
This completes the wings.
Set them aside.
Step 31
Repeat steps 28 and 29 for
the fitting of "W5" (sheet 1)
at the outer end of the wing.
Sight along the wings to
check they are not twisted.
Repeat on the other wing.
Step 32
Pockets facing inward.
Slots for wing spar.