29 - 35
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
P1202 / P1301 L-ESD set
Calibration of the Measurement Set-up
The EPM 02 or BPM 02 are used to calibrate the measurement set-up. The BPM 02 is used in
conjunction with the P1202 and the EPM 02 is used in conjuction with the P1301.
During calibration, the generated field strength is measured and adjusted via the BPS 203-client
software to achieve the desired (test) field strength. It depends on the set high voltage HV
Table 2 and Table 5).
The values of the generated field strength have to be stored in the BPS 203-client for each
high-voltage step. After the calibration, the field meters are removed and the test board with the
test IC is installed in the measurement set-up. The stored field strength values are used to
measure the test IC's immunity.
Figure 18: Calibration of P1202
Figure 19: Calibration of P1301
The basic measurement set-up corresponds to Figure 14. The respective field meter is inserted
into the GNDA 02 ground adapter instead of the test IC. The field strength that is generated by the
field source can be determined on the basis of the relations described in Section 8.4.