Operating Manual
General Operating Instructions
© Copyright 2016
OMBG3000 – Rev1
General Operating Instructions
Do not open when an explosive atmosphere is present.
Switching the BIOGAS 3000 System On
The module will automatically turn on when power to the system is
switched on. If this does not happen, refer to the
of this operating manual.
Note: It can take up to one minute for the BIOGAS 3000 module to power
on. If it does not turn on at the point power to the system is applied,
please wait one minute before pressing any keys on the module.
If the power on is successful, the ‘LANDTEC BIOGAS 3000’ logo will appear
on screen and then the ‘System Self-Test’ will commence.
Screen 1 - Power on
Note: If the system has an invalid time and date setting, the operator will
be prompted to correct this before a self-test commences.
When switched on the module will perform a pre-determined self-test
sequence taking approximately sixty seconds. During the self-test, the