General Meter Operation
© Gyr (Pty) Ltd
Cashpower Gemini HMI
– User Guide
Entering tokens via the keypad
Tokens such as credit, set power limit and tamper reset, are entered into the meter by keying in the
numbers printed on the token via the keypad. The numbers entered are displayed on the LCD as they
are being entered and scroll from right to left, with a decimal point displayed at every fourth digit for
ease of viewing.
Visual feedback is provided by flashing the happy face icon with each key press.
Audible feedback is provided by a „beep‟ on each key press.
Incorrect entries can be corrected with the backspace key, which removes the rightmost digit on the
LCD with each key press. Two backspace key presses in quick succession will clear the entire entry.
Acceptance of a valid token is automatic. Once a complete token has been entered, the meter
processes it and, depending on the result, displays one of the sequences described in
– refer section
7.2. Again, depending on what sequence is invoked, the keypad could remain locked for a variable
period of time i.e. it will not respond in any way to further key presses.
An incomplete token entry will be timed-out after 30 seconds; where after the customer interface unit
reverts to normal operation.
Token Processing
Depending on the type of token entered into the meter, it will result in one of the display sequences
described below:
Incomplete Token
A token entry is timed out if no key is pressed for more than 30 seconds. On time-out:
The token number is cleared off the display.
The remaining credit is displayed.
The happy face icon is turned on.
The sad face icon is flashed for 10 seconds.
Complete Token
If a complete token is entered, the meter:
Locks the keypad.
Proceeds to process the token number.
Depending on the result of the processing, one of the following sequences can occur. Refer to
sections through -
Token Accepted
A scrolling credit wedge is displayed.
Token Accepted as a Valid Key Change Number
Note: Two tokens are required for a STS key change.
The scrolling credit wedge is displayed.
The key revision and key type, followed by the tariff index, is displayed during the above
scrolling sequence.