6. Use the 1.0 mL pipet (0354) to
add 2 measures of *Acid-Zirconyl
SPADNS Reagent (3875). Cap and
mix thoroughly. (This is the reagent
blank.) Dry the tube with a lint-free
7. Insert tube into chamber, close lid
and select
Scan Blank
8. Rinse a clean colorimeter tube
(0290) with sample water. Fill to the
10 mL line with sample water.
9. Use the 0.5 mL pipet (0353) to add
0.5 mL of *Sodium Arsenite Solution
(4128). Cap and mix.
10. Use the 1.0 mL pipet (0354) to
add 2 measures of *Acid-Zirconyl
SPADNS Reagent (3875). Cap and
mix thoroughly. (This is the reagent
blank.) Dry the tube with a lint-free
11. Insert tube into chamber. Close lid.
Scan Sample
045 Fluoride
Scan BLank
Scan Sample
12:00:00 001/500