3.3 Other Installations
Decorative roll bending
– Laminex Metaline splashbacks and panels can be roll
formed to a minimum radius of 120mm using mandrel rolling.
Wet areas
– Laminex Metaline splashbacks and panels can be installed in all wet
areas such as bathrooms, saunas, pool surrounds and other areas of constant high
humidity and dampness.
– Either concealed, profile or screw through fixing.
Door skins
– panels
Decorative applications
– desk fronts, panels, foyers, etc.
3.2 Fabrication Type – Butt Joined Sheets
Alternative Method:
Butt joining sheets as flat panels without any folding is a simpler method of
fabrication. This method does not allow for external folded corners around walls
or seamless joins in corners.
Ensure that all gaps are maintained at 3mm (with
packers) to allow for silicone sealing and product expansion.
The method of
installation is explained in Section 5.
3.2.1 Butt Joined Corners, Straight Cut Edges
Alternative Method:
• This method is the same as glass splashback installation and offers a less
sophisticated installation, without sacrificing the benefits of Metaline
splashback panels
• Joins will be visible and edges will be exposed
• It is a simpler installation method
• It requires only straight cuts; no routing
• Provides a clean join in corner; straight joins in panels
• No joining directly behind the cooktop
Figure 1:
Butt joined sheets
prior to application of sealant.
Figure 2:
Metaline splashback
butted against a wall showing
use of sealant in the expansion
Figure 3:
Metaline splashback
showing butt join with sealant.