- 20 -
(Fig. 18)
The choice and installation of the components
making up the system is left to the expertise of
the installer, who must operate in a workmanlike
manner and according to the legislation in force.
The systems loaded with antifreeze require the
use of water disconnecting devices. It should be
stressed that the diagram in Fig. 18 is a princi-
ple diagram. In the case of different systems,
please contact our After-Sales Service, which
will provide you all the details required.
Central heating flow outlet
Central heating return inlet
Heat generator
Burner complete with shutdown
and control valves
Storage heater
System manifolds
On-off valves
Circulating pump
Non-return valves
System expansion vessel
Automatic vent valve
Safety valve
Softener filter
System fill
Fuel on-off valve
Gas pressure stabiliser
Manual on-off valve
Gas filter
Vibration-damping joint
Pressure gauge
Safety thermostat
Control thermostat
Three-way cock
Pressure switch with manual reset
Flow switch
Control thermostat
Thermostat with manual reset
Temperature test socket
Temperature control valve
9.1 Preliminary checks
Once having completed the water, electrical and
fuel connections to the boiler, before starting,
check that:
- The expansion vessel and the safety valve (if
required) are connected correctly and cannot
be shut-off.
- The bulbs of the thermostats and the thermo-
meter are secured inside the corresponding
- The turbulators are positioned in all the flues.
- The system is filled with water and completely
vented of air.
- The pump or the pumps are working properly.
- The water, electrical, safety device and fuel
connections have been performed in com-
pliance with the national and local legislation
in force.
- The burner is installed according to the
instructions contained in the manual provided
by the manufacturer.
- The mains voltage and frequency are compati-
ble with the rating of the burner and the boi-
ler’s electrical equipment.
- The system is able to absorb the quantity of
heat that will be produced.
- The recirculating pump is installed, as descri-
bed in par. 5.5.5.
9.2 Starting for the first time
After the positive outcome of the checks described
in the previous paragraph, the burner can be igni-
ted for the first time; this operation must be perfor-
med by a technician who has been authorised by
the Manufacturer of the burner. The technician has
full responsibility as regards the field of calibration,
within the declared and approved output range of
the boiler. After having opened the fuel on-off
cocks and checked that there are no leaks in the
supply line, place all the switches on the ON posi-
tion. The burner will thus be ready for first ignition
and for the adjustments to be made by the authori-
sed technician. On first ignition, check that the
door, the burner flange and the connections to the
chimney are tight and that there is a slight negative
pressure at the base of the flue. The fuel rate must
correspond to the boiler's rated data and under no
circumstances must exceed the maximum output
value declared. The temperature of the flue gas
must never fall below 160°C.
9.3 Shutting down the boiler
- Set the temperature controller to the minimum.
- Disconnect power from the burner and close
the fuel supply.
- Let the pumps operate until they are stopped
by the temperature controller.
- Disconnect power from the electrical panel.
10.1 General instructions
Periodical maintenance is essential for the
safety, efficiency and long life of the appliance.
All the operations must be carried out by qualified
personnel. All cleaning and maintenance opera-
tions must be performed after having closed the
fuel supply and disconnected the power supply.
For the correct operation and maximum efficiency
of the boiler, the combustion chamber, fire tubes
and smokebox must be cleaned regularly.
10.2 Routine maintenance
The interval between cleaning operations must
be established by the user based on the expe-
rience acquired on each individual system, con-
sequently the maintenance intervals cannot be
established in advance.
In any case, the following minimum intervals are
recommended, according to the fuel used:
- Gas: once a year
- Oil: twice a year
- Fuel oil: every 300 hours of operation
In any case, any local maintenance standards in
force should be observed. During the routine
maintenance operations, after having removed
the turbulators, brush the tube bundle and the
furnace. Remove the deposits accumulated in
the smokebox by opening the inspection doors.
For more intense cleaning, remove the rear
smokebox and, if deteriorated, replace the flue
gas seal. Check that the condensate drain is not
blocked. Ensure that the control and measure-
ment devices serving the boiler are working cor-
rectly. Measure the amount of top-up water
added, and after having analysed the water, add
descaler. The calcium and magnesium salts dis-
solved in the water will, after repeated refills,
cause deposits in the boiler and the overheating
of the metal plate, with possible damage that is
not attributable to materials or workmanship,
and consequently not covered by the warranty.
After having completed the maintenance and
cleaning operations and started the boiler again,
check the tightness of the door and the smoke-
box, and in the event of gas leaks, replace the
corresponding gaskets.
The operations carried out must be entered
in the system logbook.
10.3 Special maintenance
Special maintenance to be performed at the end
of the season or for extended shutdowns.
All the operations described in the previous
chapter must be completed, plus the following
additional operations:
- Check the condition of the turbulators for wear.
- After cleaning the flue gas circuit, wipe with a
rag dipped in a diluted solution of caustic soda.
After having left to dry, wipe all the surfaces
with a rag dipped in oil.
- Hygroscopic substances (quicklime, silica gel
in small containers) should be placed inside
the furnace, which must then be closed her-
metically so that air cannot enter.
- Do not empty the system and the boiler.
- Protect the screws, nuts and pins on the door
with graphite grease.
The operations carried out must be entered
in the system logbook.
10.4 Cleaning the boiler
(Fig. 19)
To clean the boiler, proceed as follows:
- Open the front door (1) and remove the turbu-
lators (2).
- Clean the inside surfaces of the combustion
chamber and the flue gas path using a brush
(3) or other suitable implements.
- Remove the deposits accumulated in the
smokebox by opening the inspection door (4).
For more intense cleaning, remove the smoke-
box cover (5) and replace the gasket before
- Periodically check that the condensate drain
(6) is not blocked.
10.5 Checking the operation of the boiler
Before staring and running the functional tests
on the boiler, make sure that:
- The turbulators are positioned against the
exchanger tubes.
- The cocks in the water circuit and on the fuel
lines are open.
- Fuel is available.
- The expansion vessel is suitably filled.
- The pressure of the water circuit, when cold, is
more than 1 bar and less than the maximum
limit allowed for the boiler.
- The water circuits have been vented.
Summary of Contents for MEGAPREX N 92
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