. Retension the belts. There should be a 3/16”
deflection when the belt is pressed with
moderate finger pressure. Tighten the motor
clamping nuts.
. The drive belts should be checked after
running the machine for approximately 10 hours.
The belts bed into the pulleys and will slacken
off slightly. If they are not adjusted slippage may
occur and this will cause early belt failure. There
should be a 3/16” deflection when the belt is
pressed with moderate finger pressure.
Refit the side cover and belt guard before
running the machine.
Drive belts
Table vertical adjustment chain
Tension bracket
The table is moved vertically by
a chain that rotates four cogs. The
chain needs to have little or no
slack to ensure that the table
moves vertically parallel. The
tension on the chain is
maintained by an idler cog
attached to a bracket. To access
this mechanism, remove a side cover. To adjust loosen
the two screws and move the cog to remove the slack.
Retighten the fixing screws.
Lubricating the machine.
All the bearings are sealed for life and do not require lubrication. If a
bearing is noisy do not try to relubricate just replace it.
It is recommended that you use a Teflon based lubricant as it tends to dry
and therefore will attract less saw dust and dirt.
Lubricate the drive chains and cogs. To gain access to the drive system
remove the side cover.