click. Double left-click completes the drawing.
Left click adds new line segments to the existing polyline. Double left-click
completes the drawing .
Draws an orthographic rectangle. The length, width, perimeter and area of
the rectangle can be measured.
Left-click multiple times to set the number of sides of a regular polygon. Double
left-click sets the size of the polygon and completes the drawing.
Draws an orthographic ellipse, similar to drawing a rectangle. The perimeter,
area, major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse can be measured.
Calculates the roundness of a circle based on two line segments with
endpoints on the circumference of a measured circle. Both line segments should pass
through the same center. The true roundness value of the circumference of the circle is
obtained. The value is equal to one-half of the difference between the two line segments.
Radius Circle:
Draws a circle by selecting the position of its center and any point on its
circumference. Left click completes the drawing.
Diameter Circle:
Draws a circle by selecting the two endpoints of its diameter. Left click
completes the drawing.
3-Point Circle:
Draws a circle by selecting any three points on its circumference. Left click
completes the drawing.
Concentric Circles:
Draws a circle by its radius. Click to set the radius of a second circle
concentric to the first. Double click completes the drawing.
4-Point Double Circle:
The first click positions the center of the first circle; the second
click defines the radius length of the first circle. The third click positions the center of the
second circle; the fourth click defines the radius length of the second circle.
6-Point Double Circle:
Click three times to select three points on the first circle, then
click another three times to select the three points of the second circle and complete
the drawing.
Draw a curved line by selecting three points on the arc. The third click completes
the drawing.
3-Point Angle:
Measures the angle between two connected lines. Click to draw the
endpoint and intersection point of the two lines. The third click completes the drawing.
4-Point Angle:
Measures the angle between two unconnected lines. Click to draw the
endpoints of the two lines. The fourth click completes the drawing.
Dot marking or dot counting. Manually counts or marks the quantity of targets. Also
records the XY coordinate value of the point.