potentially lead to pixel drift from one captured single-channel image to another, such
that these captured single-channel images are not exactly aligned under the same
observation field and area. The Drift Correction module allows the user to correct this
pixel drift and ensure all single-channel images under the exact same observation field
and area are properly aligned, resulting in perfect multi-channel combining. One
correction unit stands for one pixel. Click on [0,0] to reset positioning to the center.
Advanced Computational Imaging
PixelPro offers the user three kinds of post-processing technologies for image collections.
They work by merging batches of captured images.
Depth of Field (EDF):
Takes clearly focused areas from each of multiple images
captured within the same observation field but not at the same focus planes, and merges
them into a new image which has clearly focused areas throughout the whole image.
Image Stitching:
Stitches several images with overlapping parts into a single large,
seamless, high-resolution image.
-Dynamic Range (HDR):
Takes a batch of images with different exposure times,
selects three images — one underexposed, one overexposed, and one moderately
exposed — and merges them into one new image with a high dynamic range.
Operating Procedure:
The user may select the image processing method required. Select multiple images
with the wizard. For example, using EDF processing:
2) Click on
at the bottom of the interface.
3) The combining process begins. The window will display a progress counter, for
example: EDF 4/39.
4) When the combining process is complete, a thumbnail of the combined image will
be generated and presented in the left menu bar, as shown below .