formats are selected simultaneously.
1) JPG: A lossy, compressed image format. Its image size is small, but the final quality
of the image is low compared with the original captured image.
2) TIF: A lossless image format, which can save all the data transmitted from camera to
saving device without losing data. This format is good for saving and converting
images with high image quality requirements.
3) PNG: Portable Network Graphics is a lossless but compressed bit-image format that
uses a lossless data compression algorithm derived from LZ77 with a high
compression ratio and a small file size.
4) DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, an international standard
format for medical images and related information. It defines a medical image
format that can be used for data exchange and meets the requirements of clinical
practices and applications.
Save image files to a particular folder. The user can click the [Browse] button to
change save paths. The default save location is C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Image.
The path cannot contain the following special characters: \/:*?"<>|. If the user attempts
to enter special characters, an error message will appear.
Save with time format:
The capture time will be displayed in the lower right corner of
the picture.
3D Denoise Save:
Obtains low-noise images by acquiring and comparing image data
from several consecutive frames, and filtering out non-overlapping information. The
number of frames can be customized. The range is from 1 to 99; the default is 10.
Saving a 3D denoise image will take longer than saving a normal image.
3D Denoise Save is only suitable for capturing static images.
3D noise reduction has no effect on video recording.
ROI (Region of Interest)
is a function that allows the user to define a specific area in a
window within the effective and sensitive detecting field of the camera sensor, and
restrict image information within this defined window to be read out and displayed. A
smaller ROI reduces the amount of information and tasks of image transferring and
computer processing, which results in an increased frame rate for the camera.