Installation guide “Broche Flamberge” Centenai
Recommended power for a hood: 500 m3/h minimum or 10 to 15 times the volume of
air in the room per hour.
“Cornue” can supply models of customized hoods in materials matching your cooker or
flush-fitting extractors that can be integrated into a hood manufactured by the user.
Fresh air inlet:
to be efficient, this must be located either directly at the back and/or
front of the alcove and in a radius of 2 to 3 meters at ground level.
1.2. Fitting the spit
The “Broche Flamberge” spit is intended for installation in an alcove made of bricks, t i l es
o r o t h er
n on- co m bust ibl e mat e rial
. Th i s al co v e m u s t h av e t h e fo l l o wi n g
d i m e n s i o n s :
: 730 - 760 mm
: 760 - 800 mm
D e p t h
: 4 8 0 m m m i n i m u m
A frame fits over the edge of the alcove.
We recommend that the “Broche Flamberge” spit be attached to the frame on the front by
4 screws. The position of these screws is established by the installer according to the
appearance or the arrangement of the wall covering.
The accessible parts are hot when in use: ensure that all combustible material is at least 1.5
maters away from the appliance (in front, above and at the sides).
It is not recommended to place the spit under a hood made of wood or other
combustible material.
The appliance must be well ventilated, with several fresh air inlets, and hot air outlets on
the front and rear of the appliance.
Leave a minimum of 100 mm between the wall and the rear of the Flamberge to make it
easier to connect the gas and electricity connections.
As an option, the “Broche Flamberge” spit can be supplied in a “ready to use” version
with an enameled or stainless steel surround. Ventilation requirements for this version
are identical to the fitted version.