The axle bearings should be lubri-
cated occasionally with a small
amount of LGB Maintenance Oil
This model can be cleaned exter-
nally using a mild detergent and
gentle stream of water. Do not
immerse this model.
This model is equipped
with sound electronics. Do not
expose the speaker directly to
Maintenance parts
50010 Smoke and Cleaning Fluid
50019 Maintenance Oil
MTS Onboard Decoder
Programming functions
You can program numerous func-
tions of the onboard decoder to
suit your requirements. If you want
to do this, program the “function
values” in “registers” (CVs) using a
PC and the 55045 MTS PC Decoder
Programming Module. You can
also program the function values
using a 55015 Universal Remote.
- For normal operation, it is not
necessary to change the function
values, except the loco address
(CV1) for MTS operation.
- If programming results in unsat-
isfactory operation, you can
reprogram the factory pre-set val-
ues of most important CVs:
Program register CV55 to func-
tion value 55. This also repro-
grams the loco address to the
factory pre-set value.
To reprogram the factory pre-set
function values with the 55015
(displays shows “P --”) input 6, 5,
and 5 and press the right arrow
button. The display shows “P --”
again: Input 5, 5, and 5 and press
the right arrow button again.
- When programming with the
55045 MTS PC Decoder
Programming Module, additional
CVs are displayed that cannot be
programmed with this model.
control is located on the rear wall
of the model next to the power con-
trol switch (Fig. 1).
All sound features described below
also can be controlled directly with
the LGB Multi-Train System (see
Multi-Train System
After you turn on the throttle, you
hear the cylinder clearing ("blow
down"). Then the diesel engine
starts and idles. If the throttle is
turned higher, the loco will start
moving, the horn blows and the
engine accelerates to the first step.
If the throttle is turned higher, the
engine accelerated to the next step
until step 4 (maximum speed) is
reached. If the 65011 Sound Unit
Power Storage is installed (and
with the Multi-Train System), you
hear the sounds of the diesel
engine being switched off after the
throttle is turned to 0 (see
Bell and horn:
The horn sounds
automatically when the locomotive
is started. The starting signals
depend on the direction of travel: 2
long blasts when moving forward,
3 short blasts when reversing.
The bell and horn also can be trig-
gered using the LGB Sound Trigger
Magnet (17050) included with this
model. The 17050 snaps between
the ties of most LGB track sections.
The magnet in the 17050 is under
the LGB logo. If the contact is
installed with the logo on one side
of the track, it will trigger the horn
as the model passes. If the contact
is reversed, it will trigger the bell.
To trigger the “squealing”
brake sound, as well as the brake
pressure release sound, reduce the
model’s speed slowly. This requires
a skilled hand and a little practice.
Standing sounds:
With the Multi-
Train System, you hear the idling of
the diesel engine while the loco is
To hear the standing sounds with
analog operation, a low voltage
(approx. 6.5 volts) must be main-
tained on the tracks. Turn the throt-
tle to a low setting so that the loco
does not yet start, but you can hear
the sounds.
To obtain standing sounds
with analog operation while the
throttle is turned off and when
reversing the locomotive's direc-
tion, the 65011 Sound Unit Power
Storage must be installed. For
questions regarding the installation
of the 65011, please contact your
authorized retailer.
Power Supply
For safety and reliability,
operate this model with LGB power
supplies (transformers, power
packs and controls) only. The use
of non-LGB power supplies will
void your warranty.
Use this model with LGB power
with an output of more
than 1 amp.
For more information
on LGB power supplies for indoor,
outdoor and multi-train operation,
see the LGB catalog.
Do-It-Yourself Service Levels
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Improper service will
void your warranty. For quality
service, contact your authorized
retailer or an LGB factory service
station (see
Authorized Service
Additional expert instructions
for many LGB products are avail-
able at www.lgb.com.