Your KZRV recreational vehicle is designed to be as maintenance
free as possible. However, all moveable vehicles require some care
to reduce the possibility of unwanted breakdowns during travel.
Maintenance of your RV may not seem necessary at the time of pur-
chase, yet it is very important to keep your coach in it’s best condi-
tion for your enjoyment. Normal maintenance is required to maintain
warranty coverage, reduce wear, and prolong the life of your coach.
The steel frame on your KZ recreational vehicle is cleaned with a
high pressure phosphate spray wash that removes oils, dirt, and
residue. After cleaning the frame is placed in an oven at 200°F, high
quality, water borne paint is then applied. A final curing process is
then applied to produce a quality paint application.
No matter what quality or type of paint process is used, we must
remember that during travel the frame is exposed to stones, sand,
road debris, and any other objects found on the road. These items
will cause scratching and chipping of the paint inviting rust to begin
from moisture. Your frame needs to be inspected and examined
every year to touch up or repaint as normal maintenance. We sug-
gest this be performed each fall before storage to guard against win-
ter moisture.
The paint to use is a gloss black, ozone safe exterior paint with no
fluorocarbon, in a spray can.
You may wish to purchase a commercial rust proof undercoating
treatment, such as, Ziebart®, etc. However, even such higher
priced treatments are subject to road debris and damage.
2. COUPLER (Travel Trailers)
For the ball on your hitch use a light amount of chassis grease.
Lubricate the coupler’s pivot points with silicone spray. Avoid
grease or oil as they will draw dirt, potentially damaging the coupler.
Numerous types of jacks are used in constructing a recreational
vehicle , such as stabilizer , tongue on travel trailer, landing gear
and formally on truck campers.
Each of these have 12 volt D.C. power motors available, saving
manual labor as an option.
Should any frame parts of these jacks become dirty and rusty, first
clean all parts and then paint as needed, to improve appearance DO
NOT paint any moving parts.
Chapter I — Undercarriage
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