Photo shows what a new and
full rod should be plus a 75%
deteriorated rod now requiring it
to be replaced.
Iron and mineral content levels
in the water will determine the life of the anode rod.
Operating the water heater with out proper anode protection will de-
crease tank life and will void warranty on the tank .NOTE : Tank is
drained by removing anode rod.
To extend life of anode rod, drain the water from tank when ever RV
is not being used. Also refer to the section on winterizing.
This is actually a “sacrificial” item to save tank life. Rod should be
removed for 2 reasons—for inspection and draining water heater.
Winterizing your Hot Water Heater
When winterizing your hot water heater, you must first sure that
you water heater has not been in operation for 24-48 hours prior to
the start of the winterization process. If you unit is equip with a DSI
model water heater, make sure that you turn the ignition switch in
the off position.
To drain the hot water heater, remove the anode rod from the
water heater and allow the water heater to drain complete.
Each spring before camping season is the best time to inspect
your propane consuming appliances for correct operation, plus test
all fittings for any possible propane leaks.
You may prefer to have your selling dealer or a good reputable
dealer do a “spring checkup” on your coach.
DO NOT replace the anode rod with any non– Suburban accessory part,
such as an “add-on” electric heating element. Items such as these are not
approved to be installed in Suburban products. They could cause an
unsafe condition and will also void all warranties.
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