item No.
Adjusting the scanner automatically
Makes auto scanner adjustments in the order below using the specified original.
• Adjusting the scanner center line (U067)
• Adjusting the scanner leading edge registration (U066)
• Adjusting scanner magnification in the auxiliary direction (U065)
When this maintenance item is performed, the settings in U065, U066 and U067 are also changed.
Used to make respective auto adjustments for the scanner.
1. Place the specified original (P/N: 2A168070) on the contact glass.
2. Press the start key. “on” appears.
3. Press the start key. Auto adjustment starts. When adjustment is complete, “Gd” appears.
4. Display each setting value after adjustment by lighting a copy exposure indicator using the copy exposure
adjustment keys.
Copy exposure indicator
Setting value
Exp. 1
Scanner center line
Exp. 2
Scanner leading edge registration
Exp. 3
Scanner magnification in the auxiliary scanning direction
If a problem occurs during auto adjustment, “nG” is displayed and operation stops. Lighting the copy
exposure indicator exp. 3 and then exp. 5 using the copy exposure adjustment keys will display the error
code. Determine the details of the problem and either repeat the procedure from the beginning, or adjust
the remaining items manually by running the corresponding maintenance items.
Press the stop/clear key after auto adjustment is complete. The indication for selecting a maintenance item No.
If the stop/clear key is pressed during auto adjustment, adjustment stops and no settings are changed.
When scanning is performed before shading, the scan value at the machine center should be slightly
different from those at the machine front and rear. When scanning is performed after shading, there should
be no difference between respective values. Any differences between the values at machine front and rear
indicates that scanner problem causes the fixing unevenness.
If the displayed results indicate no shading problems, the fixing unevenness (uneven copy density) is
caused by factors other than in the scanner section (shading or CCD).
If a black line appears, the cause may be assumed based on the results of the scanning operation before
shading: if a white line appears, they may be assumed based on the results of the scanning operation after
shading. Note that depending on the thickness and location of the black or white line, it may not be possible
to use this method to determine the cause. This is because the displayed values obtained from scanning at
the limit of nine points are insufficient to provide significant information.
5. Press the stop/clear key. The selected item appears.
Press the stop/clear key while a selection item is displayed. The indication for selecting a maintenance item No.