Chapter 10 - Memory management
10911 V01.06
10.3.2 Erasing a memory location
This function can be used to erase a continuous block of memory locations or an individual memory
location within the tuning memory.
Access this function via
erasing memory location
. The instrument first asks
for the first location to be erased. After you confirm with
, the instrument asks for the last
location. If the first and last numbers refer to the same memory location, only one memory location is
deleted. The instrument issues a warning before erasing anything in either case. Acknowledge the
warning by pressing
, at which point the instrument erases the memory location(s).
Afterwards, the instrument confirms that the process is complete.
10.3.3 Sorting the memory
This function can be used to sort the entire tuning memory according to a variety of criteria.
Sorting by frequency:
To sort the memory by ascending frequency, enter:
sorting memory
according frequency
Sorting by range:
To sort the memory by DVB-S (beginning) and DVB-S2, enter:
according range
Sorting by satellite:
This option sorts the memory by satellite positions.
However, it is only available for SAT memories with DiSEqC. To access the function, enter:
sorting memory
according position
Sorting the memory can take a few seconds. The instrument does not respond during this time. A
message is issued once the process is complete.
10.3.4 Memory protection
This function can be used to protect the entire tuning memory, groups of memory locations, or
individual memory locations. This prevents a memory location from being overwritten by mistake.
Access via
Protection memory
. Similar to the description in section “Erasing
a memory location”, the instrument asks for the first and last memory location to be protected. Press
to start the process. The instrument issues a message when the process is complete. The
next section explains how to disable memory protection.
Memory locations marked with (*) are protected.
10.3.5 Disable memory protection
Use this function to disable an existing memory protection.
Access via
Disable memory protection
. This is done in the same way as
when activating memory protection. The instrument confirms that protection has been disabled with a
corresponding message.
10.3.6 Memory export
Use this function to copy the entire tuning memory onto a USB memory device as a “mem” file.
Access via
Export all memory
The instrument suggests a file name that might stand for a system (measuring location), for example.
This can be changed in alphanumeric format using the arrow keys or the numeric keypad and the
keys. Press
to complete the entry. The entered name is identical to the file name of
the “mem” file. If a file with the same name already exists, you will receive a warning. Enter a
different name by pressing
, or press
to overwrite the existing file. The next section
describes how to import a tuning memory.
10.3.7 Memory import
Use this function to import an existing tuning memory as a “mem” file from a USB memory device
onto the instrument.