Chapter 17 - Management of the instrument 131
10713 Vxx.11
DOCSIS3.1 Setup the maximum Upstreamfrequency
The measurement receiver can use two different frequency ranges for DOCSIS3.1 mode. The first
one is 5 to 85 MHz for upstream and 111 to 1218 MHz for downstream. The seconde one is 5 to
204 MHz for upstream and 258 to 1218 MHz for downstream. That is solved by an adjustable filter
(diplexer). That diplexer is used for the upstream generator as well as for the DOCSIS-3.1-
To adjust that filter, goto
MODE -> Settings -> DOCSIS analyzer -> max upstream frequency
and select the desired maximum upstream frequency of 85 MHz or 204 MHz. The current used
frequency is shown inverted.
DOCSIS3.1 Readout Modemsettings
The measurement receiver has a integrated DOCSIS-3.1 modem with it's own firmware. For future
usage it could be possible to read out different informations. With
MODE -> Settings -> DOCSIS
analyzer -> read modem infos
you can call the info screen. It needs some time (45 seconds) until
all information are available. With
you can leave that menu.
Figure 17-5 DOCSIS3.1 Modeminformations
Unlock software options
Software options can be unlocked by entering an 8-digit key code. You can request the individual
key code for each option from the manufacturer.
appears a
submenu, which the options available currently (e.g.: UMS).
To unlock this option, confirm the menu item with
. An entry field for the 8-digit key code is
then displayed.