Configuration Options
Cisco Prime Network Registrar DHCP, Authoritative DNS, and Caching DNS components are licensed and
managed from the regional server. You need to have a regional server and all services in the local clusters
are licensed through the regional cluster. Only a regional install asks for a license file and only the regional
server accepts new license files. Then the regional server can authorize individual local clusters based on
available licenses.
The sample configuration shown in this chapter is based on the typical use cases described in the following
Mixed DHCP and DNS Scenarios, page 3
Mixed DHCP and DNS Scenarios
You can set up Cisco Prime Network Registrar for a mixed DHCP and DNS configuration with different
numbers of machines.
One-Machine Mixed Configuration
Configure both DHCP and Auth DNS servers on a single machine, initially enabling the servers as primaries,
and enabling the TFTP server and SNMP traps. Then configure at least one forward zone and corresponding
reverse zone, at least one scope.
Configure both DHCP and Caching DNS servers on a single machine, initially enabling the servers as primaries,
and enabling the TFTP server and SNMP traps. Then you can configure forwarders and exception lists.
Two-Machine Mixed Configuration
A mixed DHCP configuration on two machines offers a few alternatives:
Cisco Prime Network Registrar 9.1 Installation Guide