This procedure upgrades a current version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar running on a Linux operating
system to a current version of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar virtual appliance. If you need to move
from a different platform, you have to first convert to the Linux platform prior to upgrading to a virtual
appliance. If you need to move from a different version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar to the current
version of the virtual appliance, you have to first upgrade to the current version of Cisco Prime Network
Registrar on an external Linux system before upgrading to the virtual appliance. See
Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar, on page 17
Step 1
Install the Cisco Prime Network Registrar virtual appliance.
Step 2
Shut down the Cisco Prime Network Registrar application being upgraded using the following command:
stop nwreglocal
Step 3
Copy the file
/opt/nwreg2/{local | regional}/usrbin
from the virtual appliance system
to the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation being upgraded.
You have to choose either local or regional from {local | regional} based on the upgrade that you are doing, that
is, local upgrade or regional upgrade.
You can do it using sftp, for example:
[root@cnr-machine-being-upgraded usrbin]# sftp
Connecting to
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
sftp> cd /opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin
sftp> get cnr_prepareforupgrade
Fetching /opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/cnr_prepareforupgrade to cnr_prepareforupgrade
/opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/cnr_prepareforupgrad 100% 3265
Step 4
on the system being upgraded.
Step 5
If the version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar which you are moving to the virtual appliance is a version earlier than
Cisco Network Registrar 7.2, then perform the following steps:
If you are upgrading from 7.2, you do not require the cnr_mcdexport kit because 7.2 clusters do not use the
MCD DB database technology and you can skip this step.
a) Download the upgrade preparation kit, cnr_mcdexport_linux5.tar, from Cisco.com.
b) Untar the downloaded archive and run the script cnr_mcdexport.
Step 6
Tar the existing
directory using the command:
tar cvf tarfile.tar data
Step 7
Copy the tar file created to the new virtual appliance.
Step 8
Shut down Cisco Prime Network Registrar on the new virtual appliance using the command:
systemctl stop nwreglocal
Cisco Prime Network Registrar 9.1 Installation Guide
Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual Appliance
Upgrading a Cisco Prime Network Registrar Installation to run on a Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual Appliance