Memory: 12 GB
Disk: 100 GB or greater
For a regional cluster running on the same Jumpstart as a local cluster:
CPU: 1 socket, 7 CPUs
Memory: Minimum 8 GB
Disk: 35 GB
You may need substantially more disk space than listed above based on the size of your deployment. You can
increase the disk space by resizing the allocated disk and rebooting the appliance.
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual
You can deploy the virtual appliance in any of three environments, VMware ESXi 5.5 or later, CentOS/RHEL
7.2 KVM hypervisor, or OpenStack. After discussing the information that you will need to determine for any
deployment, the individual environments are discussed in detail.
Preparing to Deploy the Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual Appliance
In order to deploy the Cisco Prime Network Registrar virtual appliance and configure its network connection,
you have to answer several questions. Some of these questions concern the networking environment in which
the virtual appliance is being deployed, and some of them concern values which are unique to the particular
virtual appliance being deployed.
The questions that are unique to the installation of this particular virtual appliance are listed below. You must
decide on answers to these questions before you deploy the virtual appliance.
A virtual machine name for the deployed virtual appliance.
A root password for the underlying Linux CentOS operating system.
An IPv4 address for the virtual appliance.
A DNS name associated with the IPv4 address of the virtual appliance.
A username and password for the initial administrator account for the Cisco Prime Network Registrar
The questions concerning the networking environment are as follows. The answers to these questions are not
unique to the virtual appliance, but are instead values that are determined by the environment in which you
will deploy the virtual appliance:
The network mask associated with the IP address of the virtual appliance itself.
The default gateway address for the virtual appliance.
The IP address of at least one DNS server that can be accessed by the virtual appliance, although it is
best if you have the IP addresses of two DNS servers to provide additional availability.
Cisco Prime Network Registrar 9.1 Installation Guide
Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual Appliance
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar Virtual Appliance