ProLaser III Operator's Manual
Carefully range to either of the two targets being sure
to hit only that target. The range will appear in the area
next to “Dist1” text. After a suitable range is obtained,
press ENTER.
The following screen will appear
Carefully range to the other target. After a second
suitable range is obtained, it will appear in the area
adjoining “Dist2”. Press ENTER. The following screen
will appear:
The ProLaser III will have achieved a satisfactory
calibration check if the reported speed is /- 1 unit
(simulated MPH) of twice the actual measured target range
difference. For example, if the targets were placed at
exactly 79 feet and 39 feet, with a final separation of 40
feet, the final speed reading on the ProLaser III must be
79, 80, or 81.
If the ProLaser III does not pass the test, recheck the
target mounts, distances and aiming and repeat the test.
If the unit fails, contact Kustom Signals Customer Service.
After completion of the test press ESC to return to the
default operating mode.
Cal Measure
Cal Measure
Speed Test Dist
50 25.0