Operating Manual
KURTH ELECTRONIC Test & Measurement www.kurthelectronic.de [email protected]
Changing the LiPo Battery
The decreasing battery charge is clearly identifiable on the display provided that the initial adjustment was
done during first start-up.
The battery can be charged, the charge control display red LED goes off, but the battery display still will not
show full. As long as the displayed capacity does not go under 50%, the KE3500 can be safely used; it only
has to be charged more frequently. If the display goes below 50%, you need to change the battery. You can
either send in the device and the battery will be changed for a fee, or you can order a replacement battery.
Changing the battery
First remove the two lower compartment screws. Pull the bottom downward. The battery is in a plastic holder
in the bottom part and it is plugged into the board with a plug protected against polarity reversal. After the
housing is opened, this must be pulled out. Insert the new battery and securely fasten the holder. Plug the
connection cable into the board and screw on the housing. Make sure to only hand-tighten the housing
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