For internal use only
Remove the nozzle and replace it completely with the O rings.
... The drip tray drops down?
Cut a piece off the grid under the tray.
… Coffee bean box does not close?
No beans may be in the funnel above the grinder.
The cover is defect.
… Coffee is not dispensed uniformly or is dispensed without
Coffee will flow out normally when the aroma is regulated in the middle, thus guaranteeing the best
possible flow.
If the flow volume is reduced the coffee will not flow consistently out of the coffee dispenser.
Adjust the grinder setting
On doing so make sure that the grinder is not set too
finely since this will make the coffee grounds very
compact and reduce the flow.
The grinder should not be adjusted if possible; it
should be left at the factory “5“ setting.
No coffee beans may be present in the
grinder when the setting is adjusted!
fine coarse