07/2017 - 4001970202 - MA OPTISENS TUR 2000 R01 en
5.3.15 Check dry
Command Format: ID + Y + x
For example, if ID = 14, and we need to set the alarm for dry cell to 150 % of the check signal,
type 14Y150
or 00Y150
The Command is for setting the alarm limit of the dry cell or air bubble presence near the lens.
5.3.16 Last calibration date
Command Format: ID + D + cccccccc
For example, if ID = 14, and we need to set the date 13/11/10, type 14D13/11/10
or 00D13/11/10
The Command is for memorising the last calibration date.
The operator can use the 8 characters as he likes better (no syntaxes limitation).
5.3.17 ID value
Command Format: ID + I + x
For example, if ID = 14, and we need to set the ID at 07, type 14I07
or 00I07
The new ID will be available from the next start up of the probe.
5.3.18 Baud rate
Command Format: ID + B + x
For example, if ID = 14, and we need to set the speed 2=4800 baud, type 14B2
or 00B2
The new baud rate will be available from the next switching on of the probe.
Probe response:
ID + Y + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly
Probe response:
ID + D + cccccccc
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly
Probe response:
ID + I + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly
Probe response:
ID + B + x
command executed correctly
Probe response:
command does not run properly