Signal up/DN
This value is in mV the maximum value being limited by the electronics to 2200, but must be greater than 800. There is an
option in the SET UP UFM 610 P menu to allow this value to be taken down to 400 in extreme circumstances. This is useful on
some applications when the signal levels are poor.
This is the actual time for the signal to traverse the block, pipe wall, fluid and back again. It is proportional to the pipe size and
temperature of the liquid.
Prop signal
This will be a value between 800 and 2200 as in Signal up/dn, above but not the same value.
Fluid prop rate
This is the sound speed of the fluid calculated using the data entered by the user and the prop measurement. This value may be
subject to errors due to small pipe dimension errors especially on smaller pipes. KROHNE recommend the use of tabulated
values (See 6.9).
Sensor separation
A reminder for the user and a check for correct use of sensor mode and type.