3.5. Advanced network
In some special situation, your network environment only provides PPPoE connection(ADSL service), there
is no NAT/router available. You will then need to set the PPPoE settings in the “Advanced Network” page. Only
the PPPoE username and password are needed to let PPPoE work. After the “Save&Apply” button is pressed,
the PPPoE function will work immediately. You can check the “Registration status” in the “Information” page
to see if the IP CAM is registered using the PPPoE connection.
Please be noticed that the DHCP or static IP settings in the “Network” page can work together with the
PPPoE connection. Only that the PPPoE has higher priority, so, if the PPPoE is working, the IP CAM will use
PPPoE to connect to the Internet.
The default setting is “Disable PPPoE”.
Figure 3-10: Advanced network settings page