Page 10
Specific features have been designed into this stove which will simplify the required daily, weekly, monthly
and annual maintenance procedures. The frequency at which these must be performed depend upon
quality of fuel burned and fuel rate.
The following procedures allow you to perform
daily maintenance on this stove without
interrupting the fire.
After approximately 8 hours of stove operation, a
clinker will form and should be removed from the
burn pot. Waiting longer than 8 hours may result
in the clinker becoming calcified and hard,
making it difficult to remove from the burn pot.
NOTE: Using 100% corn burns cleaner than wood
pellets, however it will calcify after several hours of
burning. One method to prevent or minimize this
is to add wood pellets. The amount added is very
dependent on the type and quality of corn you
are using.
1. Press the heat setting level to #1.
2. Let stove burn at heat setting level #1 for
approximately 5 minutes.
3. Locate the two handles located directly under
the hearth extension. Refer to page 1.
4. While holding the left handle in place, pull the
right handle out approximately 3/4" and turn
the handle down, counter-clockwise to ‘drop’
one-half of the clinker.
5. Return the right ash drop pan to its original
NOTE: The stove in the figures shown below has had several
components removed in order to provide you with a clear
understanding how the ash drop system operates.
It is not necessary to remove any component from this
stove or open the door to ‘drop’ the clinker into the ash
Ash drop system shown in closed and secured system.
Ash drop system with right drop pan open.
6. Allow stove to burn for approximately 15 minutes to allow fire to re-establish itself in the right side of the
burn pot.
7 While holding the right handle in place, pull the left handle out approximately 3/4" and turn the handle
down, clock-wise, to ‘drop’ the remaining half of the clinker.
8. Return the left ash drop pan to its original position.
9. Re-set heat setting to desired level.