Scene Parameters
MIDI Channel ............................................. [1...16, Global]
This parameter specifies which MIDI channel is used to transmit
MIDI messages when you operate the Keyboard (or Touchpad in
the Pitch/Mod mode). When set to “Global”, MIDI messages will
be transmitted on the Global MIDI Channel, specified in the
global parameters. (¬page.19: Global MIDI Channel)
Trigger Pads
Assign Type .........................................................................
.....[Note, Control Change, Program Change, No Assign]
This parameter specifies the MIDI messages assigned to Trigger Pads.
Note (Note# C-1 to G9)
Note messages will be transmitted. Specify the note number
to be transmitted. Up to four note numbers can be assigned.
Control Change
(CC# 0 to 127)
Control change messages will be transmitted. Specify the
control change number to be transmitted.
Program Change
(Prog# 0 to 127)
Program change messages will be transmitted. Specify the
program number to be transmitted.
No Assign
No MIDI message will be transmitted.
MIDI Channel ............................................. [1...16, Global]
This parameter specifies which MIDI channel is used to transmit
MIDI messages from the Trigger Pads. When set to “Global”,
MIDI messages will be transmitted on the Global MIDI Channel,
specified in the global parameters.
Pad Behavior ................................... [Momentary, Toggle]
Select the trigger pad behavior from the following two types.
When “Assign Type” is set to “Note”, a note-on message is transmitted
when you press a Trigger Pad, and a note-off message is transmitted
when you release the Trigger Pad. When “Assign Type” is set to “Con-
trol Change”, a control change message with the value 127 is trans-
mit-ted when you press a Trigger Pad, and a control change message
with the value 0 is transmitted when you release the Trigger Pad.
When “Assign Type” is set to “Note”, pressing the Trigger Pad will send
a note-on message; pressing the pad again will send the note-off
message. When “Assign Type” is set to “Control Change”, pressing the
Trigger Pad will send a control change message with a value of 127;
pressing the pad again will send a control change message with a
value of 0.
Chord Pad
MIDI Channel ............................................. [1...16, Global]
This parameter specifies which MIDI channel is used to transmit
MIDI messages.
When set to “Global”, MIDI messages will be transmitted on the
Global MIDI Channel, specified in the global parameters.
Knob Enable ........................................... [Enable, Disable]
This parameter specifies whether the Knob operations are en-
abled or disabled. When set to “Disable”, a MIDI message will
not be transmitted, even if you operate a Knob.
MIDI Channel ............................................. [1...16, Global]
This parameter specifies which MIDI channel is used to transmit