The Heli-Mode (Mode 4)
In Heli-Mode the Smile operates with active RPM control. This
means, that the motor RPM will be kept constant and changes of
the load and the battery voltage will be compensated. So it’s not
necessary to use any mixer in the Tx to stabilize the RPM. Just plug
the Smile in a free slot of the Rx which can be independently
operated from the Tx with a slider. Program the Smile to Heli-Mode
using this slider.
To start the motor push the slider towards full throttle. The Smile
will ramp up the motor RPM in a few seconds in open mode. When
the designated RPM is reached the Smile switches over to active
RPM control. The more the slider position comes to full throttle, the
higher is the designated motor RPM.
With the slider back in motor-off position the motor will be switched
off. Be aware not to do so in flight, otherwise it would take several
seconds to start the motor again.
The range of RPM selected by the slider is self adjusted by the
Smile. When the motor is started for the first time after the Heli-
Mode has been programmed, the Smile is doing this adjustment.
So it may be necessary to reprogram the Smile to Heli-Mode when
using an other cell count or an other motor and the Smile will
readjust. Also if the Smile is tested in HELI-Mode before it is used
in the helicopter, it will be necessary to program the Smile to Heli-
Mode before he first flight is done.
There is an important check if the battery, the motor, the gear ratio
and the helicopter is fitting together: with the lowest possible RPM
which can be selected after the Smile has adjusted it should not be
possible to hover the helicopter. If it is possible, the Smile is
operating out of it’s limit and can be destroyed! Use a higher gear
ratio or a motor with less RPM and more torque.